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Sebastian's pov~

Afternoon is the butlers teaching...

     I rolled the cart into the dinning room ready to finally serve the young master and my sweet y/n, breakfast. Today's serving is simply sugur sweet strawberry rolled pancakes dipped in a cought of white sugger cane frosting and a nice delicate side of grapes and cut apples. I also brewed some of Britains famous green herbal tea with a touch of honey for that nice sweet tast.

    Rolling the cart of food into the dinning room, I see the young master reading the daily news paper and my sweet y/n just across from him. The young master usually eats breakfast in his bedroom but he wanted to meet up with y/n to discuss to her about the contract. So he got up early then usual so he could be able to do so.

    I placed the platters of food in front of the two. The young master layed the newspaper on the side of the table as he took a glance at his food. "Todays mornings serve is sugar sweet strawberry rolled pancake's dipped in sugar cane coated frosting. On the side we have grapes and cut apples. Todays tea is green herbal tea with a touch of honey for the balance of the bitter and sweet" I said with a closed eye smile.

    "Is there anything elns I could do for the young master and guess lady y/n?"

     "That shall be all, sebastion" the young master said as he took a bite of his pancake. "Yes m'lord" I said taking a small bow with my right hand over my heart. I looked over at y/n and noticed she was not eating her food, rather poking at it. Realization dawned over me as for I have spent to much time with human children I completely forgot that demon children dont eat mortal food but rather souls. I mentaly scolded myself as I picked up the empty dishes from the young masters sitting then retrieved for the full plate from y/n.

     Once I was done cleaning up everything, I had mey-rin wash the dishes. Ciel took
y/n up to his study to discuss a little more on the situation. As for I, I must set preparations for today's afternoon lunch as well as to order some more herbal tea from Spain.

     The master seemed pleased with that tea and told me to order a few more dozen of the product. Luckily I found it in the market and asked the keeper where she gets all the shipment from and tracked it down easily after that.

    "Mr Sebastion!" I hear a familiar voice whine. Oh for bloody hell. I turn around expecting the worse. Finnian runs up to me. His blue eyes wide with fear.

    I stood outside of the mansion. My eyes fixated on all the fallen trees that once aligned the dirt raod. Should I even ask how this came about? Finnian looked up at me. "Im so sorry mr Sebastian! I honestly am! Please forgive me! You see I was tryin-"

      "Its fine"I sighd. Clear irritation showing in my voice as I interrupted the blond boy. "Here, order a dozen more of the same trees. Once you come back, get rid of these trees and level out the ground" I gave him all of my pocket money. "Oh thank you Sebastian! Your the best!" Finnian jumped up and down. "Hurry now" I said ignoring his comment.

    Once I reached the front step of the manor, I stopped. A loud sound was heard from inside. I sighd before hesitantly opening the door of the manor.

    "Mr sebastion!" Mey-rin runs up to me. Tears flood her eyes as she tugged on her skirt. "What now" I sigh. "I-I tripped on me skirt when in the m-middle of carrying the new China! Please forgive me! I-I d-did not mean to!" She whined laoder then finnian did.
      After cleaning up the broken China, I had mey-rin order a new set which is similar to the one she previously broke. I checked my watch. Its nearly noon and not one thing has been accomplished. Once I get to the kitchen I start off with brewing some of Spain's herbal tea also known as 'Verde herbal tea'.

     As the water is warming up I be-"mr sebastion, the young master wishes to see you" mey-rin calls. Sighing in frustration,  I tell bard to make sandwiches for the afternoons meal. There is no way he himself can screw this up.
    I made my way to the young masters study and knocked on his door. "Come in" I hear his voice say through the door. Opening the door I see young master sitting at his desk and y/n across from him. "Sebastion, would you set out y/n's uniform in her room so she could change into" ciel asked.

     "Of course m'lord" I say laying my hand over the right side of my heart and giving a slight bow. I walk out of the room and close the door lightly before leaving to deal with the maids uniform for y/n to wear. If not for y/n to be a personal maid of the young master then she would be wearing a similar outfit as mey-rin. Luckily the uniform is differet. This would make it easy for her to fight in and do more things.

     I lay the uniform on her bed along with some black dress shoes. Leaving her room I walk back to the masters study. "The uniform is ready for lady y/n" I say with a slight bow. "Good. Y/n, you are to be changed and come back to my study for further instructions" the young master said.

    Y/n smiled and thanked the young master. "Right this way lady y/n" I said guiding her back to her room to change in. I couldn't stop stareing at her. She has grown so much over these years. Her face has matured beautifully. Her figure is showing more curve as for her body is slowly molding into her adult form. Her way of talking is more fluent along with her way of walking.

    I remembered the way I left her. She sobing and crying as I told her I will be back one day, before leaving her in hell. I regret every part of my pass. I wish I never left her to deal with all that work by herself. I being the only figurative father and parent in her life, she needed me and I left for this human bra- I mean child.

    I love her and I only wish for her to be with me for enternaty. I will vow to never leave her side again. I only wish for her to forgive me.

Yay its out! New goal is 5 votes and 2 comments! Now its time to show some thanks for some nice demonic reader Chan's! Red_is_alive your comments have made me fall over laughing and I most deeply enjoy a good laugh, so thank you so very much! Midnight_blue_sakura you have been with me from the start of this fan fic and am truly pleased you have not left my side. Your comments are sweet and nice to read. And seance you where the first to request a song I decided to put it up in this chapter. Any more request in songs? Everybody's welcome to comment a song below and I will no doubt put it up for everyone to hear! Bye!




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