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Your pove~

Midnight is the princesses lessons...

"No, you musn't give sweets to the young lord at this time of the night" my father said as he took the small platter of chocolate berry cheesecake off the tray that I was to give to the young master.

"Excuse me? The young master sent a order for me to retrieve it along with the tea. Am I not to obey the young masters orders?" I ask in confusion.

Father sighd before waving me to attend the young master in his study. I knock lightly on the door and open it quietly once I heard Ciel'S voice telling me to come in.

I bow slightly. I walk over to the young masters desk and set the tea lightly on his desk and fill the small cup up. "Is that all?" He asks as he took a slide glance at the empty tray. I nod my head. "M'Lord, sebastion took the sweets in worry for your health." I explained.

Ciel sighed before taking a sip of his tea. "That shall be all then..." ciel said. I bowed lightly before taking a step back and folding my hands. Daddy said I must stay with the young lord at all times unless wished to attend something elns under orders. I guess thats what a personal maid is supposed to do. My father then entered the room. "M'Lord, the time of night is exactly 12:00. May I must remind that a full nights rest leads to a healthier long life?" My father said giving a slight bow.

"...I suppose...have you retrieved the mail?" Ciel sighed. "Yes I have" my father walked over with a bunch of envelops tied together in a neat package. The young lord took notice of each and every word on every envelope till he paused at one which had the most unique symbol on the back. "The queen..." ciel whispered under his breath.

He put the rest of the envelops down onto his desk and open the one in his hand. He began reading it quietly till he was done. "The highness has another mission for us to intend." Ciel started.

"Missing children in London have been increasing these last few weeks...I dont suppose its a regular kidnapping or just kids running off." Ciel said staring at the paper.

"You are invited to Der grußman manor for a ball" sebastion said picking up a letter off the desk. "What does that have todo with anything of the queens mission?" Ciel asked. "Have you not been receiving invetation's from his manor for the past few weeks? He has had a ball everyweek for the past few weeks of this month." Sebastion explained as he held out a stack of envilops that have been binded together by a black ribbon.

Ciel gave a confused look at my father. Silence filled the room for a moment till ciel took the bundled up mail. He opened every single letter and jotted down the dates on a piece of paper before folding it up and tucking it into the pocket of his dress coat. "Set the carriage for the undertaker. We leave in 15 minutes" ciel said. Father bowed. "Yes M'Lord" he said before leaving the master and me alone. "Tell the four we are off and they are to sit the house for a few hours" ciel ordered. "Yes, M'Lord" I said copying my father. I bowed with my hands folded at my legs.

I exited the lords study and went off to tell the others the news. "Oi, wheres he off to now?" Banrd asked as he scratched his head. "A mission I suppose..." I shrugged. "Will you be goin along with the young master?" Mey-rin asked. "I am to stay by the young lords side at all cost unless under order" I explained.

"Now if you'll please excuse me, I must attend to the young master" I gave a soft smile before leaving the kitchen. Once I have reached the young lords study I simply knock and with permission opened the door. "Young lord, the staff has been notified" I say.

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