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Ciel's Pov~
Midnight is the lords shrinking violet...

I cant help but stare at her. She is truly more then words. The memory of undertaker holding her in his arms and placing light kisses on her skin makes me feel only envious of him.

Why should I feel this way? She is only but a demon, a pest to get rid of. So why even fiddle with such thoughts. I rolled my eyes at the girl beside me. As I enter my room, y/n gets my things and without effort, gets me dressed. I realize only now that her symbol is showing.

"Ill have mey-rin get you some gloves" I mutter. "Thank you, M'lord" she says quietly as she ties the tie around my colour. "You do know your position for tonight, do you?" I ask her. "Yes, M'Lord"

We sit in silence for a few minutes. "I apologize..." I finally said. She looked up at me and we stare at eachother for a few seconds. "I shouldn't have struck you in such a manor like that." I said. "I shouldn't have disobeyed you, especially infront of other eyes. I apologize." She said quietly.

"No need, you where in discomfort" I said, remembering how she lashed out at undertaker in embarrassment when he was close to her lips. Im sure that if she wouldn't, then I would. I couldnt let her get away with such a fuss considering she is my property.

"M'Lord if I may, why must I wear such reveling clothing?" She asked. I couldnt help but laugh at how silly she is. In the middle of a serious discussion she asks about her clothing? The thought only makes me laugh. I looked back at her and her cheeks are even more red.

"I-Is something funny?" She studdered. I smirk at her. "Please, just like I said before, lesser clothing lets you move around much more. Clumsy as you are already, I cant have you getting caught in a situation that leads you to needing saving can I?" I raised a eyebrow at her.

She only looks down at the floor. "Plus, I like seeing you in such ways." I said in a lower voice as I lift her chin up so her eyes meet mine. Where only a few inches apart from touching lips and I can smell her soft scent that smells of lavender.

She blushes again and this time something feels different. Something I haven't felt in a long time. It tugs on me. An urge. I could fight the urge but I simply dont want to. I lean in. Closing those last few inches bettween us till there was none left. My eyes close once my lips came in contact with her soft ones. For a moment I couldnt think, couldnt move. Everything that I thought of her has changed. Everything that ment value to me has changed. I want nothing todo with whats to come or what has happened. I only wish for this moment to last. Without thinking I wrap my hands around her hips and pull her body closer to mine. I deepen the kiss and her lips fall into sink with mine. If time was this moment, I would want it to last forever.

"Ccccciiiieel!~" I heard a banshee screech. Y/n and I broke apart. "Here you are!" Oh its not a banshee, its elizabeth. I sigh in dispoinment. Not that I rather choose a banshee over her but the fact that shes even here at all. "I cant wait to join you to the ball. And oh my gosh! Who is this!? You look so adorable!" She squealed as she ran over to y/n who was surprised by Elizabeth's out burst.

"Um hello, Im Y/n Michaels, Sebastion's daughter." She greeted elizabeth with a sweet smile. "Aw I did not know Mr. Sebastion had kids. Does he have more?" She asked.

"No, just I" y/n replied. "She came to visit her father. She will be staying here for just few nights" I said. If elizabeth knew she was my maid then she would question why she would be accompanying us at the ball dressed so nicely. I cant have her know.

"Oh well I am Elizabeth Midford, Ciel'S fiancé." Elizabeth smiled as she linked arms with me. Y/n frowned for a moment before giving a fake smile. "Oh well its nice to meet you"

"M'Lord, Lady elizabeth, Lady y/n. The carriage has been set" sebastion said. I nod my head before taking Elizabeth out to the carriage as y/n followed behind.

The ride was rather unsettling. Elizabeth rambled on about god knows what. Y/n sat across from me, listening intently. As I sat in silence staring out the window. Once and awhile I would take side glances at y/n. All I could think about is her.

I knew that I shouldn't have listened to myself. If I just ignored the urge and her completely, this wouldnt have happened. I wouldnt be sitting here in this situation hoping y/n would forgive me for what had happened earlier.

What am I saying?! That feeling was just a weird urge. Nothing more. I shouldn't be getting flustered over something silly. I rolled my eyes. Who cares.

Once we have reached Der Grußman's manor, I took notice of how many people are already here. And I thought we where early. Women of all ages in ball gowns. Men of all ages in dress suites. Gathered around at the main foyer. Music played. Men and women laughed, Drank, and talked to one another. Some dancing with each other as well.

"Elizabeth!~" a girl ran up. "Oh Emily!~" elizabeth greeted. They started talking so I took this time to leave them alone and fined y/n as well as sebastion.

"Sebastion, y/n, you know your positions. Y/n find what you can. Sebastion follow me." I ordered. I watched as
y/n went into the crowed. "Keep a eye on y/n" I whispered to sebastion. He nodded his head. I walked through the crowed of people till I stopped once my eye landed on the blond hair boy which I loath. "Why is the viscount of druitt here?!" I mummled. "This is a ball after all" sebastion said.

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