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Evening is the princess's mystique...

    "Yes, I have intended many in my past time" I said. I watched as the young master sits in silence reading over the paper he holds in his hands. "Well It seems we are to attend one tonight. I will have mey-rin pick you out a dress. Is there any colors you prefer?" He eyed me.

  I contemplated bettween red and blue and made my decision for red since I always choose blue. I  watched as he nodded and stared out the window again.

    Once we have reached the manor, ciel ordered for my evenings attire. After I followed him into his study where I watched as he began his work. I would leave the room for a few minutes to retrieve tea and sweets for the young master, but other then this nothing seems to be of interest till my father came back with more files.

    "These are for those who are yet to be found" he gave the files to the young master. "Every child, alive or desis, have currently lived in different parts of London. Their businesses are far from the similar. They only have but one thing in common, wealth. Thats all I have gathered from the information at best" he said.

    Ciel looked over through the files. "These are of all the dates of childs missing dates" he gave a folded up paper to the young master. The young master pulled out another paper of which he had in his caot pocket.

   "Days before every ball..." ciel muttered as he stared at both papers. "M'Lord, I have Mrs, Y/n's dress set out in her bedroom" mey-rin stuttered out. "Please do attend to sebastion's things as well." He ordered.

    "We are to leave tonight to Der Grußman's manor for the masquerade. People have yet to know of y/n, so she is to be our eyes and ears. As for we are to keep the man himself distracted. Understood?" Father and I both nod.

    Once after discussing more on the topic, I was then sent to my room to dress into my attire. "May they must be so revealing?" I moaned in discomfort. A black dress that is touching above my knees, a black feathered top hat sits on top of my h/c hair that has been curled. My nailes painted black and red, a black choker necklace that has but one red jewel, black high heels with a unique meddle piece at the heels to top it off nicely, a red ring similar to Ciel'S blue ring. And last the black mask that has beautiful designs and a rose to match.

    I look amazing but I feel flustered at how much skin I would be showing off. Isn't this a ball?

   Once Im dressed I exit my room and head for the study. "She is one who's behavior is deviant" I heard ciel say. I stop myself before entering in the room. Hes speaking of me? I ask myself. My behavior is not normal?

    "Young lord, she is new at this, she has made but only a small mistake,-"

   "Mistake? Tell me sebastion. Did you ever make a mistake on your first time?....have you?...answer me." Ciel said. "Every demon is different m'lord..." my father tryed to defend. "Yes, but has a demon ever disobeyed a order?" Ciel asked.

    "I have yet to hear..." father answered. "She is young and still not used to such-"

    "Dont play devils advocate with me. You cant defend her just cause you share the same blood line as she. Do you understand? She is a mere child? She is the demons child who she herself posses just as much power as you. More power then I. Yet she is to abide by my orders, but she disobeyed me. How does that look on you?" Ciel asked. "M'Lord it is but by in-"

   "Instinct? Your instinct is but to obey every order I give to offer, not the other way around, sebastion." Ciel interupted.

    "Yes, M'Lord" father bowed. I could see my father is distressed with this situation. I have but only disappointed him. I have done wrong...I must make it up.

Ok so yea I'm sorry about not updating sooner. The song is recommended by Midnight_blue_sakura, thank you so much love for the support and the song. MikaWaffle Lols I'm happy that you noticed before hand. Did you guess from the name? I would like to point out that the name means something in German relating to the mythical creature, slender man. Sorry but I didn't know any other German names XD anyways there is no goal. So please enjoy. And hope it won't take up you're time, but can someone please recommend a song for next chapter?


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