Make sure the safety is on until it isn't

1K 149 37

I'm going to say this once, and I mean it.

Personal attacks are inappropriate.

You do not have the right to insult someone. Ever.

Even if they insult you.

Do. Not. Do. It.

Do not attack someone after they provided their opinion.

I am sick and tired of seeing, being told about, or experiencing people attacking critics. We are here to help improve your writing. If you cannot deal with us telling you to fix your goddamn grammar because it's a crying shame, get off of Wattpad. We are not here to tell you that you're the second coming of Christ (or the third -- depends on the branch of Christianity) or a freaking Mozart-of-writing.

It is rude and wrong to attack someone even if they insulted you.

Sadly, I've noticed that the people who tend to do the attacking are people who consider themselves to be part of a minority (this includes teen-aged girls) in society. They are not a minority on Wattpad, but I digress.

I have nothing against your orientation/religion/skin tone/age group/values, so do not attack me as if was questioning your sexuality/faith/race/age/whatever you value. I'm questioning your spelling for goodness' sake.  It's not a personal attack so stop being so defensive. Have the guts to admit to your own mistakes when someone points them out. 

And yeah, it sucks when you're wrong. But belittling someone to feel better is not the way to fix the problem, instead, it tends to escalate it. You'd feel so much better if the next comment you got on your story was one that praised your corrections by that critic.

If, however, you do feel the need to duke it out do not do so in story comments. That is a recipe for disaster. Kindly take your issue with the critic/author to the side and PM them so you guys can talk it out without people jumping in and attacking one party or the other.

No one on Wattpad wants to be attacked. We want to be a community of writers helping each other get better. So, nothing personal, but stop being a defensive little bitch and take constructive criticism to heart. It's the only way you'll get better.

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