Bloomers are hung on a line in the shade

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So, I got a few comments and messages on some of my previous chapter posts and, following the tradition I’m trying to start up with myself (I tend to not cooperate), I want to know your guys’ opinion on the matter.

Now, this chapter is a bit risque, so anyone who’s a bit uncomfortable with their inner diva should leave now.

On to the down-right dirty question -- what’s a sex scene and what’s porn?

When I was first asked this I was stumped. So stumped that I turned to my trusty dictionary. From that, I found that porn is something along the lines of “explicit material intended to induce sexual excitement”. So, I figure, the big difference between porn and just plain old fornication, is the intent to get your audience really into the scene.

Now, intent is a very tricky thing to define in writing.

I mean, consider some classic text you read way back when classes (to all you lucky free students) were around. Did Shakespeare really mean exactly that when he wrote it? Is it a possible mistranslation? A great example is the Bible -- it’s been changed and translated so many times that google wouldn’t keep it the same if you popped it in there (though when does google translate actually work well?).

Regardless, imagery changes meaning over time. Like we wouldn’t kill our kids at the top of mountains because we heard some freaky voice over the heaven intercom but stop when they’re like “Oh hey, you’re cool. Here’s a sheep.” (Coincidentally, one of my favorite bible stories). Or even the swastika -- an ancient Buddhist symbol for balance became the sign associated with genocide.

Interpretation and intent and clearly pretty hard to define in writing. But I think, personally, that a good writer considers every single word they use. So everything is written in intent. So yeah, I’m basically one of those people that thinks sex scenes are essentially porn.

Now, I don’t consider it porn if you say “they slept together”, “they boink-boinked all night long”, “they had sex”, “they fucked (though I really hate that one)”. I do consider it porn if you describe genitalia. Or reactions during “thrusting” (speaking of which, more creative vocabulary should be introduced into romance novels but moving on).

Really, any sort of details. Because at that point, you’re trying to illicit an emotional response. That’s the point of description. So details make the response emotional which can lead to some *ahem* wild emotions. I think everyone should just try and keep it nice and basic. “They romped under the covers  and had crazy-wild monkey sex.” Good for them.

What do you think is the difference between sex scenes and porn?

I'm back from the Spartan Conference and I'm so excited to see what you guys have all been up to! I should catch up to all your updates soon! :D

Excruciatingly Correct Behavior -- A Guide to Wattpad EtiquetteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora