Cakes are always handed to the eldest lady first

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So today I’m going to tackle one of my biggest personal beefs and, because it’s Tuesday, I want to know what you guys think.

Hi, I’m Clara (Hi Clara) and I’m a Netflix addict.

Specifically, documentaries. There’s something about learning stuff about Easter Island, genetics, crazy explorers that risked their lives for a good story, and subatomic particles that really floats my boat. 

The reason I’m bringing up my particular passion for Netflix documentaries is because a certain documentary popped up on the documentaries “popular right now” list that shocked and intrigued me. It was called “Are all men pedophiles?”.

Talk about an eye-catching title with the whole super-feminism thing going on (‘cause women can’t be pedophiles, right?) and taboo subject. I just had to click it.

I have to admit that I quit about halfway through when they started to argue that pedophilia, infantophilia, and hebophilia are orientations like homo- and heterosexuality. But moving on, it brings up an interesting question -- why are so many Wattpad authors enchanted with pedo- and hebophilia?

(In case you were wondering, infantophilia is from 0-5, pedophilia is from 6-13, and hebophilia is from 14-16+)

Personally, I think intercourse before sexual and mental maturity is wrong because having a child (which is always a possibility) is something that only someone who is healthy physically and mentally should be doing. Because if you’re not ready one way or another, it can be devastating. And it’s important to keep in mind that while you may be physically developed sooner, that does not mean that you are mentally capable of caring for a child (For instance, I was physically mature very early -- around 13. That being said, I was still a totally self-centered kid who disappeared into the woods regularly and made an unhealthy amount of crafts).

So in my mind, pedophilia = direct-ticket-to-hell-and-someone-kicking-your-butt-to-next-week wrong.

That being said, I don’t actually think it’s surprising that Wattpad is littered with “pedophilia”.

We all know that society is this twisted thing filled with hidden agendas and hate. And I think ageism is very real in our society. Think of how many times old people are shown to be senile, odd, or simply stupid? Doesn’t seem to happen as often with kids, now does it? Because kids are cute, sweet, and mischievous not doddering idiot geriatrics. Even characters like Betty White are considered eclectic and sweet but not intelligent.

Old people are just like young people -- some are stupid and some are bloody brilliant. But we assume that only great ideas, new ideas can come from the young. Bull. Total bull. Most “brilliant” scientists were around 35 and older at the time of their greatest discoveries making them real dinosaurs compared to what our society considers our peak age of productivity (I’m looking at you Bohr). And though our society is starting to be geared more for older folks, it still displays blatant ageism.

Did you know that the average age of female fashion models is 16? It’s basically impossible for a female to start modelling at 20. Male models start modeling at around 18-25. Remember that the next time you see an ad with a woman in a compromising position with a guy advertising perfume. We’re basically selling pedophilia. And it’s working. Even the vocabulary we use to describe age (“over the hill”, “forever young”) all have that hint of nostalgia -- it’s a nice way of saying that we’re all just waiting for you to kick the bucket now.

I don’t think it’s surprising that so many romantic stories on Wattpad feature protagonists that are so very young; it’s part of the hidden message we all assimilate every day -- that aging sucks because when you’re old, you become useless.

But I, for one, can’t wait for the senior discounts.

Why do you think there are so many romantic stories involving young kids?

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