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"And then what did you say?"

"And then I said that it really sucked and that if I were him, I'd be really pissed at the person who did it. And I asked if he knew, and he had no idea," Spencer giggles out. Jayda giggles with him, leaning against his side, and high fives him. I shake my head.

"I can't believe you slashed his tires," I say slowly. "Spence, do you know how much trouble you could get in for that?"

"Well maybe the guy shouldn't have been such an asshole. It's his own fault," he shrugs nonchalantly. Just then, Ryan sits down in front of me with his food. I roll my eyes at Spencer and turn my attention to Ryan.

"What's going on?" Ryan asks, shooting Spencer's cackling form an amused glance.

"Spencer slashed his neighbor's tires because 'he was just so mean,'" I mock Spencer.

"He deserved it!" Spencer defends.

"Anyway," I direct my attention back to Ryan, ignoring Spencer's rambling. "How's your day been?"

"Um, good I guess," he mumbles in response. I chew on my lip, staring at him, wondering if he'll ever open up and talk to me like I'm not a stranger.

"Doing anything this weekend?" I ask, pushing my fries around on my plate. Ryan audibly sighs, and I look up.

"You know I'm not," he mumbles, not meeting my eyes.

"Well, hang out with us," I suggest, finding that I actually want him to. He has that hesitant look about him again, like he wants to but something's holding him back.

"I wish I could," he shrugs. I lean back in my chair, frustrated and confused. I'm not going to sit here and beg him.

"Do you even like us?" I ask bluntly. "Because if that's it then you don't have to hang around us." I've caught Jayda's attention now, and Ryan's head snaps up, his eyes finally meeting mine.

"N-no," he stutters. "No, that's not it, I swear," he shakes his head, looking kind of panicky. "I really like you guys, I just... I can't," he finishes quietly.

"Fine," I sigh, tired of trying to understand what's wrong with him.

"Are you mad?" he asks hesitantly. He's biting his lip, picking at his food, and I kind of feel bad now.

"No, I'm not mad," I reply honestly. "I'm just. Confused."

"Actually, Brendon's not capable of emotions," Pete butts in, grinning at Ryan, who always looks uneasy around Pete.

"Huh?" Ryan's face scrunches up.

"What he means," Spencer says before I have a chance to snap at Pete, "is that Brendon used to be... different." I shoot him an offended look, because are they really talking about this right in front of me? "If you saw Brendon last year compared to Brendon now, you'd fall off your chair. He was talkative, funny, popular," he lists. I finally shove him, and then he looks at me like he forgot I was there. "Sorry," he mumbles, going back to his food.

"So... what happened?" Ryan asks me, quieter so that only I hear it. I close my eyes and sigh.

"I don't know," I reply honestly, staring at the table. "You wouldn't understand." I get up, grabbing my food and heading to the trash can. I'm about to head back into the building but someone touches my arm. I turn around to see Ryan looking cautious.

Something Worth Living For {Ryden AU}Where stories live. Discover now