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*Ryan's POV*

As I'm running down the street I keep throwing frantic glances at my watch, cringing more every time another minute passes. I'm so fucking stupid. I forgot to set an alarm last night at Brendon's, and now I'm going to be late getting home. I knew I should never have gone to his house. I knew nothing good would have come of it.

It's too late now, though. I'm already twenty minutes late and my heart is already racing because I know what's going to happen.

I finally round the corner of my street, determinedly not thinking of what Brendon is going to think when he wakes up to find that I left without saying a word. By the time I'm near my house, I'm panting and sweaty, leaning my hands on my knees and trying to catch my breath. Once my breathing isn't quite so harsh anymore, I stand up straight and slowly walk up to my front door, no matter how much I'd rather turn around and go somewhere else, anywhere else, as long as it isn't anywhere near here.

It starts as soon as I close the door behind me.

"Where the fuck were you?" my dad is suddenly in my face, his tall, broad form looming over me. "You know, I'm nice enough to agree to let you go to a friend's house, and you can't even be home in time when it was the only fucking thing you had to do," he yells, frighteningly loud. I can't help it when I shrink back into the wall; it's a reflex. Of course this only makes him angrier.

"You really can't do anything right," he laughs incredulously, looking at me like I'm the most unintelligent person he's ever known. "You're so fucking worthless," he smiles. But it isn't a friendly smile, it's a bitter one.

"I'm sor-"

"Don't fucking give me that 'I'm sorry' shit." He's now crowding me against the wall, and a whimper escapes me despite my inner protests. "Even though you know you're going to get punished, you disobey me anyway," he breathes into my face, and I cringe because of the alcohol on his breath. "Do you do it on purpose, Ryan?" he asks condescendingly. "Do you like being punished? Is that it?" I can feel the tears welling up, and I try so fucking hard to keep them from spilling out, but I can't stop them. All I can do is shake my head. "Well then I don't know why you keep putting yourself in this situation. You'd think after all these years you would have learned your lesson. But you're still an unappreciative, unwanted burden." He grabs my collar, yanking me off the wall and leading me to my own personal hell.

*Brendon's POV*

"Get up, sunshine!" an annoyingly bright voice radiates through my brain, effectively yanking me from my peaceful sleep.

"Mmph," is the unidentifiable sound that comes from my mouth. I roll over and snuggle farther into my pillow, but then someone starts repetitively poking my side. "Go away," I groan, swatting at the hand. The poking is persistent, and I roll back over to blink up at a blurry-looking Jayda. I glare at her. "Go away," I repeat.

"Where's Ryan?" she ignores me. I turn my head to look at the other side of my bed, which is empty and made up. I sit up, rubbing at my eyes.

"He's not here?" I ask, reaching for my glasses on the nightstand. She shakes her head. "Why would he just leave like that?" I mumble, mostly talking to myself.

"He slept in your bed," Jayda comments.

"How do you know?" I ask, gesturing to the made up side of the bed.

"Because I came in here last night to make sure he was okay and you were both already asleep," she smiles. I feel my face getting hot but I just shrug it off.

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