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The following week, William is suddenly like Jayda's shadow. He walks her to her- meaning our- classes, he sits with us at lunch, and he's at our place a lot more than I'd like him to be. I don't have a problem with him, but it's just weird. My sister is kinda-sorta dating a guy that I hooked up with last year. And the part that surprises me the most is that he actually seems to genuinely like her. Not that she isn't likeable, she definitely is, but William usually doesn't date people, he just... well, hooks up with them without any sort of pretense.

I walk toward the lunch table but stop in my tracks when I see the two of them making out at the table. I'd really rather not watch that so with a look of utter disgust, I make my way back into the building and opt for eating my apple sitting in the hallway instead.

It's interesting to watch people when they don't think they're being watched; that way, you see how they truly act. Like for example, Jennifer Brown constantly flirts with her best friend Lauren's boyfriend, Brad, every time Lauren isn't around. She plays the faithful best friend role until she's alone with him. It's blatantly obvious if you're actually paying attention. That's a perk of watching rather than interacting; you know things.

I could break up half the couples in this school with all the things I know, but I won't, because one, it's not my business, and two- and more importantly -that would take away a lot of my entertainment. Although, it would be pretty entertaining to see about fifty breakups take place at once.

When you're alone you kind of hate every single couple in existence.

I'm watching Michael Doski pick his nose while he thinks nobody is looking when my view is blocked by a pair of long, slender legs. My eyes trail up the legs; up, up until I reach narrow hips, sharp hipbones visible where the tight shirt doesn't quite reach the waistband of the pants. I swallow and skim up the lean stomach, fabric stretched tight so that every muscle and curve is visible, up the pale neck, soft-looking lips slightly curved upward, round nose, and finally landing on caramel eyes.

I inwardly kick myself when I realize a second too late that I was just checking him out.

And since it took me half a minute for my gaze to finally reach his face, I'm pretty sure he noticed too.

"There you are," he smiles, gracefully sliding to the floor in front of me, folding his long legs together. He scoots closer to me in order to get out of the way of students walking down the hall, causing both of our knees to touch. He's ridiculously close to me, and I usually don't pay any attention to things like that.

"Why'd you leave the other day?" I blurt suddenly. I've been wanting to ask him all week, but I never got around to it. His smile falters for half a second before it's back, but I notice it.

"I just had to be home on time," he shrugs. I know he's not telling me the whole truth. I don't know how I can tell, but every time I ask him anything to do with his personal life, he gets this weird expression, one that I can't place, and I just know there's more to the story that he isn't telling me.

"Why would you have to be home that early?" I ask nonchalantly. I don't want it to seem like I'm prying, which is exactly what I'm doing. He looks slightly uncomfortable now.

"I just, um. We had this- this thing to, um, to go to." He's lying. I can tell. That was complete bullshit and I know it. But I know that if I confront him about it right now he'll just get upset, or angry. Or maybe it would even cause another panic attack, and I definitely don't want that to happen again.

So instead I just nod and fake a smile. He seems to look awkward for the next few moments, shifting his eyes around at everything but me. He eventually clears his throat and puts on another smile. "So, why are you eating here?" he asks with a tilt to his head. I can feel the annoyance pouring back into my face.

Something Worth Living For {Ryden AU}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora