"I have.. a brother?"

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Chapter 1

I woke up this morning, turned on the TV, and grabbed the morning paper. The Headline on the front page said 'Harry Styles is adopted!' I didn't really care or understand why it was such a big deal. That stuff is personal and didn't need to be put out everywhere. I went to school and everyone was talking about it even my friends at cheer. My friends Brittany, Taylor, Maddie, and I are huge directioners but they freaked out more than me.

When I got home from cheer I walked in my house to find my Mom, Dad, and Harry Styles sitting on my couch. "What are you doing here?" I asked Harry with a confused look on my face. "Callie," my mom began, "Harry is your brother." I have.. a brother. "How?" I asked. "Well about three years before you were born I had a baby boy and I couldn't take care of him so I put him up for adoption in the UK for a reason. I wasn't sure if I was going to have another baby or not but I knew I didn't want my baby to meet him, so that's why I put him up for adoption in the UK. Harry just found out and insisted on meeting us." I was furious. I ran into my room crying and slammed the door shut.

I heard footsteps coming and thinking it was my mom I yelled, "GO AWAY!! Leave me alone." it wasn't my mom though, "It's me, Harry. Can I come in?" I of course had to let him. "Come in." I said still crying. He came over and sat next to me on my bed. "Callie I know this is hard for you. But please don't cry. Just talk to me. Tell me why you are so upset." he said. his voice was deep and he talked rather slow. His british accent made me want to laugh. "Well I. I am mad. I'm mad that my parents tell me that I have a brother." "You aren't mad at me are you?" He asked. "No, Why would I be."

We sat there he hugged me and I was still crying. "You like One Direction correct?" he asked breaking the silence. " Yeah." I said. "You don't have a thing for me do you? That's the only reason I could think of for you to be upset." He asked me. I immediately started cracking up laughing. "Have you not looked around my room. Do you see ANY posters of you.... NO! I do not have a thing for you." He laughed and looked around. "Oh so do you have thing for Niall, huh?" He asked I blushed slightly. He tickled me and aww'ed. "Stop tickling me!" I yelled. "Only if you stop crying!" He said, "And say that you will go get food with me!" I hit him and said, "Fine.... it's a deal. lets go!"

We went outside and got in the car and went and got some food from my favorite place, ZAXBYS! It's American and I thought he should eat american food while hes in America. We talked about the boys and him and me. He asked if we could go somewhere after i went to school tomorrow. "Yes, if you pick me up from school," I said smiling. "Okay I will probably come up to your school before you get out so I can hangout with mo.. your mom.... our mom." he said with a confused look on his face. "You can call her mom. she's your mom too," I said. "OMG I still can't believe you are my brother." he laughed and said, "Well believe it, babe. You are my little sister." He kept saying really loud. "If you don't quiet down someone will see you. Oh well we better get home now.. mom will be worried," I said. He agreed so we went home and I went to sleep.

The next day after school I told my friend Maddie that I would give her a ride home. "No, Why can't I go home with my other friend that I always go home with?" she asked. "I have someone for you to meet. I have a brother." I said. "WHAT! You never told me that you have a brother," she said. "Well I just found out last night." Maddie has a thing for Zayn. I knew she wouldn't be too excited but I knew she would want to meet Harry. We walked to my moms office. "Hey mom, hey harry!" I said hugging Harry. Maddie's jaw dropped and I thought it was going to hit the ground. "Maddie, this is Harry Styles. My brother," I said. she closed her mouth and smiled. "Hi, I'm Maddie," She said. "Harry, can we give her a ride home, she kinda missed her ride," I said laughing. " Yes, of course. But don't you dare try and get out of our plans or I will cancel the surprise I have for you this weekend," he said and stuck his toungue out at me. "What? What surprise?" I asked. "On saturday you have to take me to the beach and you can invite some friends. Maddie will you be coming?" He said. "Yeah, Maddie you are going to come right?" I asked her. "Yeah Sure!" she said.

After we took Maddie home Harry and I went to Tropical Smoothie and got smoothies. "Callie, you are a great sister. So far." he said laughing. "Thanks, you are a good brother too. Just promise me you wont be too protective?" I asked. "I can't make any promises. I am allowed to be protective." He said and I hit him and said, "Please!" "Okay I wont be TOO protective," He said.

The rest of the week went by fast and now its saturday I had my stuff packed for the beach. Harry and I went to pick up Maddie and the rest of my friends, Brittany and Taylor. We drove to the beach and Harry said, "Callie don't get out of the car yet. I will tell you when." I was very confused my friends stayed in the car with me. "Callie!!!!!! Come out of the car now," Harry said. In a way I was scared to get out of the car. Why did he want me to wait? I stepped out and there was Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Danielle(Liam's girlfriend). "Hellooo!" Louis screamed! I knew that we were going to be fast friends. "Hi!" I said. "So this is the American sister of Harry's." Zayn said as he hugged me. "She's not only American! She a little Irish too," Harry said winking at me. "Oh. Well then we already have something in common," Niall said blushing. I could feel myself blushing a little bit too.

We went onto the beach and I could tell Maddie and Zayn were connecting. As well as Taylor and Louis and Brittany and Harry. I didn't know what to think about Harry dating one of my best friends but I figured it would be okay since I would maybe be doing the same thing.

"So, Callie. how do you like being Harry's sister?" Niall asked me. "Um. So far its alright. Only one problem. He's kinda protective." I said trying to get Niall to feel comfortable around me. He seemed really nervous. "Oh, Yeah he protects us too much too," He said. he smiled and grabbed my hand running into the water. "Niall!" I screamed. "Come on Callie!!!!" He screamed back! we were all the way in the water now. "Niall it's freezing," I said shivering. "Well then come here!" Niall said. Pulling me close to him.

In his arms I did feel warmer but in a way I felt chills. He gives me butterflies in my stomach and i couldn't help but smile. "Are you okay?" Niall asked me. "Yeah, Let's go back to shore. Harry's giving us some weird looks," I said to him getting out of his arms. We went back to shore. and Harry handed me a towel and whispered in my ear, "As much as I love Niall. I don't know how I feel about you and him." I hit his stomach and said, "It doesn't matter what you think."

It was a fun day and I went home and went to sleep smiling and thinking about Niall and my day with the boys.

My Brother, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now