Chapter 14

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Danielle picked me up last night. I haven't stopped crying. She is really good at taking care of people, no wonder her and Liam go along so well. I really feel like dancing right now. I wonder if Dani has a place where I can dance. "Hey Dani, do you have a place where I can dance?" "Yeah, I have my own studio type place. I didn't know you dance." "I do. Can we go? I think dancing will make me feel better." I said. She nodded her head. "Yeah, let's go." We got in her car and she started driving.

I danced. It felt amazing to dance. "Wow. Britt. You are amazing at dancing! Did you know that?" "No. Well people have told me that I am good but I don't think I am good enough to make a living out of it." I said. "You are though. Come on. Come with me to where I dance for my job. You are going to dance for them and we will see about you getting a job dancing with me." I didn't say anything back to her. I just nodded and followed her to her car.

I danced for Dani'sboss. "Wow, Brittany. You are amzing we would like you to work here. If you want of course." Her boss said. I nodded. "Thanks so much." Dani smiled at me and gave me the 'I told you so' look. "So Britt. You have a job working with me. Do you want to move in with me too? I can call Callie and get her to bring your stuff to my flat." I nodded.


So last night was weird. I don't really remember much. All I know is that I am awake now, in Niall's arms, and I have really bad headache. I shouldn't have drank so much last night. "Good Morning, Babe. How are you feeling?" Niall asked me. "shhhhh.... don't speak. My head hurts so bad." I whispered. He got up and walked out of the room. Why is he leaving me?? Oh he's back. I FEEL HORRIBLE. "Here. Take these and here's a drink." He said handing me two Tylenols and a water. "Thanks." I took the medicine but I still don't feel any better. "Callie you have text from Dani." He said handing me my phone. Dani: Hey. I know this is a lot to ask but can you bring Brittany's stuff to my house. She is moving in with me. I got her a job dancing. But don't tell Harry. He needs to think that she went home to America. Thanks, Darling xx Okay. I guess I will do that. "Nialler. Will you go with me to Harry's to get Brittany's stuff and take it to Dani's. Britt is moving in with Dani but don't tell Harry because he isn't allowed to know. THey broke up and Brittany doesn't want to see him ever again." He nodded. "Yeah, come on let's go." He said.

We walked into Harry's flat. All of them are awake now. Maddie looks so sick. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She shook her head no. "How are you okay?" She asked. "I'm Irish Maddie. Only my head hurts." I said laughing a little bit. I am starting to get Brittany's stuff together but Harry just walked in. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm getting Brittany's stuff. She's going back to America." I said and he frowned. "Callie, I'm sorry. I broke your best friend's heart. I didn't mean to though. I was drunk and this girl just came up to me and she wasn't even that pretty and she has the stupidest name ever. I mean what kind of name is Mallory? Please Callie. Help me get her back." He said. WOAH! Hold up. "Mallory?" I asked. "Yeah. She was American." "Did she have like blondish hair and brown eyes?" I asked him. "Yeah? Why?" "Harry, I know her. She is a whore girl who used to go to my school." I said to him.

After I explained the whole Mallory/Kyle story he finally understood why I got so upset when I fould out it was her. But I had to explain to him the whole thing, including the leaving Niall for Kyle part.


"Mallory! You slept with the wrong guy!" He said to me. "What do you mean? You said the guy with the great hair." "No, Mallory, I said the guy with the blonde hair. Seriously you are the stupidest girl I have ever met. The whole plan was for you to sleep with the blonde boy and then Callie would come running back to me but no! You slept with Harry, Callie's brother. WOW! You ruined the wrong relationship." He yelled. I wish he would stop yelling I didn't mean to ruin the wrong relationship. I was trying to help him get Callie back. But I did manage to get Harry's number. I should text him. Hey. We should meet up. Hangout and start fresh. Sorry about last night. I will explain everything to you today at the coffee shop.

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