Chapter 17

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I leave today to go back to America. I have exactly three hours before my flight and I'm going back to America and only Harry is going with me. I mean I am happy that he is going back with me but what am I supposed to do when he asks about visiting Brittany. I can't tell him that she isn't even here. Whatever I am so excited to meet everyone. We all went out to lunch to celebrate me getting to record and all that. Kenzie and Liam went on their date and according to Liam it went alright. He said that it didn't really go as planned. He said Kenzie was really distant but that towards the end he got her to open up to him. I wish that she would just realize how much she likes him already. it's getting annoying.

I was taken from my thoughts when Niall squeezed my hand. "Callie? Are you paying attention? Taylor just asked you something." "Oh. sorry. What did you say?" I said back. "I said, can I be one of your stylists when you are all famous and stuff?" Taylor asked me. I nodded and smiled, "Yes of course you can! I can't do any of this without you girls." They all smiled. "Harry, what time is it?" "It's one o'clock. We leave in about an hour and a half." I frowned at his response. "What's wrong?" Niall asked. "I'm scared. What if they don't think that I am really that good? What if I suck at writing songs?" "Callie, stop worrying! You are going to be great! Just please don't let Demi Lovato and Britney spears replace us!" Maddie said with Kenzie and Taylor agreeing. "I could never let them replace you girls! You are my best friends." "Hey what about me!?" Liam asked getting upset. "Um. I don't think you count in this discussion you are my best guy friend LiLi! No girl could ever replace you!" He smiled.

thirty minutes passed and now Niall, Harry, and I are at Harry's flat making sure that we have everything. "Okay, Callie, are you sure you have everything?" Niall asked me. "Yes, I'm positive!" "What about your bracelet that I got you?" Oh.... I don't remember what happened to that. Uh Oh. "Umm......" "I have it, you left it at my flat and I brought it to make sure you have it with you. And I got you a new charm." My eyes got wide when he handed me my Pandora bracelet. It did have a new charm! It's a music note. "Thanks, Nialler!" I said before I kissed him.

The time went by and now it is time for Harry and I to leave. I want to but honestly I don't want to leave Niall behind. I don't even know how long I will be there. I don't even think Harry is staying with me the whole time. We are in the airport now. "Callie, we have to get on our plane now." Harry said to me. I turned and looked at Niall. "You'll be fine. Have fun, be safe, and say hi to Uncle Simon for me." he said before I could get any words out. I really just feel like if I leave things are going to change between me and Niall. I couldn't speak though. I just nodded. I can feel tears escaping my eyes. "Baby, don't cry it's only a month and then we will see each other again." I nodded. "Callie, seriously, we gotta go." Harry said. Niall tilted up my chin and very gently kissed my lips sending fireworks through my body. I can't believe it still feels like the first time he kissed me. He waved to me as I walked away and I just smiled back. He looks upset but not like a I'm-going-to-miss-you kind of upset. I'm the one who should be uspet he still hasn't told me that he loves me.


I am such an idiot. I love her, I really do, I just can't bring myself to say it to her face. Now she's gone and I'm not going to see her for a month and I can't text her because she will be in America. This fucking sucks. I'm a horrible boyfriend.


"It's not my fault I think she is hot!" I screamed at Maddie who got mad that I said Megan Fox is hot. "You don't want to be my boyfriend anymore!?!" She screamed back. "I don't understand why you are getting so jealous!!" "Oh, SO NOW I'M UGLY!" She screamed back. "What? No I never said that! You're beautiful." "Aww really?" She said calmer now. "Yes, of course you are. I mean you are my girlfriend. My beautiful girlfriend!" I said. We went back to watching the films.

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