Chapter 4

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Niall's Point of View

It's been about a week since Callie got here and about two days since Harry gave me permission to take Callie out on a date but I still haven't asked her. I am sort of scared that she won't want to go out with a lad like me. I'm not very fit, cute or really good with words. The only thing I really got going for me is my eyes. They are like her eyes though, sometimes blue sometimes green. I've seen her eyes be purple once. Everything about her is perfect even her slightly tinted red, blonde, browmish hair.

All Harry has been talking about is how he doesn't want me to hurt her. It's sort of making me nervous that I am going to hurt her. I have to tell her how I feel though. Oh shit she's coming to the door of my flat.

"Hello, Callie!" I said smiling and blushing a little. Why do I always blush? "Hey, Niall. Do you want to hang out with me today?" She asked me to hangout with her. "Yeah sure. What do you want to do?" I know what I want to do. WOAH! I can't think thoughts about sex with her already!!!! Snap out of it, Niall! "We can just watch a movie or something. Is that alright with you?" "Of course, whatever you want to do is fine with me," why am I talking so weird.

I put in a random movie that Callie had left in my flat the last time she was over, Definately Maybe. "Is this a chick flick?" I asked her. "Umm... Kinda but not really. Come cuddle with me!" she said. God she's so cute. "Okay I'm coming!" I went over to her and sat on my sofa with her. The movie was about half way through when I realized that we were spooning. And I was playing with her hair. I stopped.

"What's wrong?" she sat up and asked me. "Nothing. Can I ask you something?" I have to ask her.... now. "Yeah, Of course you can, Niall. Whats up?" "Callie, I know you have only been here like a week but I like you. I want to take you out. Like on a date. Do you want to?" I can't believe I just asked her. "Umm.... Yeah. That would be great Niall. When?" I thought she was going to say no. "Whenever you want. We could go out tonight. or now. I really don't care." I would really like to go now. "How about in like an hour. I want to get changed and look presentable." The thing is I really don't care what she wears she looks good in everything. "Okay, see you in an hour." I hugged her bye and she walked out the door. Time for me to take a shower.

Callie's Point of View

I went back to Louis and Harry's flat. Went in and got ready. I took a shower and washed my hair with my chocolate shampoo, washed my body with my Bath and Body works body wash that smells like apples. I went and put on a cute fushia skirt with a grey tank top underneath and a pair of black heels about 4 inches high. I knew I couldn't wear my 6 inch heels because Niall's not that much taller than me.

"Callie, why are you getting so dressed up?" Harry asked me. "Well, Harrybear, Niall kinda asked me out. You are going to let me go right?" I asked him. He smiled and said, "Of course, but please be careful. Hey when are you going to tell your friends that you want them to visit?" "I don't know. Someone seems eager to see Brittany again?" he nodded. "Niall will be here any minute now. So please don't wait up for me. I might not even comeback tonight so if I don't I will see you in the morning." I said with a smile. "Okay that's fine.... Callie, NO SEX!" he said strictly. I couldn't believe that he said that to me. I nodded and went outside because I saw Niall coming to the door.

"Hi, beautiful." OHMYGOD! Niall fucking Horan just called me beautiful. "Hey, Niall. You look... nice. You ready to go?" I said to him. I wanted to say he looked sexy but didn't want to say too much. It's only our first date. "Thanks, yeah I'm ready. Let's get in the car." he was so perfect. "So, where are we going?" I asked shyly. "We are going to a restaurant." he answered. "Well obviously. Fine but it better not be some place expensive." I said. I don't want him to spend too much money on me. "We are almost there." he said.

We were finally there. I was hungry too but decided to get just a salad because the place was expensive. "Callie, I wish you would let  me spend money on you." he said after taking a sip of his drink. "Niall, not on the first date. I would feel bad. especially if you don't have a good time," I said. He smiled and said, "Callie, I am having a good time. By the way, you look so beautiful tonight." I wish he would stop saying that. "Well thank you." We got our food and we were soon finished eating.

We went back to Niall's flat. I sat on his sofa and Niall came over and took off my heels. "Thanks," I said. He came and sat next to me. "Callie. Do you want to stay over?" normally I wouldn't stay over with a boy on the first date but since my mom wasn't supervising me and Harry said it was alright. Why not? "Sure. That would be fun." I said. "Great. I'm going to change, do you want to wear some of my clothes to sleep in?" "Yeah, thanks." He went into his room and got a pair of sweat pants and his purple Jack Wills t-shirt.

I went into the bathroom and changed. his clothes smelled so good. Just like him. I put my hair in a ponytail and came out of the bathroom to find Niall wearing no shirt and sweat pants. He's sooooo sexy! "Niall, you're so fit!" he blushed and went to put a shirt on. "You don't have to put on a shirt, I am being serious. You're hot." Did I just say that he's hot straight to his face? "You look cute in my clothes. Come to bed. I am tired. Let's watch a film." I blushed. A lot. "Okay," I said as he picked me up bride style and carried me into his room. "Put me down!" I screamed. He put me on his bed and turned on the TV.

"Oohhhh Friends is on. Can we watch that instead of a film?" he asked me. "Sure I really don't care. Now come here and lay down with me, I'm cold!" He walked to the bed, where I was laying, and layed down next to me. He put his arm around me and I put my head on his chest. "Callie." "Yes, Niall?" I said looking up to him. He lifted up my chin and the next thing I knew his lips were pressed to mine. I of course kissed him back. When the kiss ended I couldn't even speak. "You okay?" Niall asked me. I just nodded and layed my head back down on his chest. We fell asleep there. Everything about this night was perfect.

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