Chapter 15

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So Britt's gonna be a dancer. Cool. I need to get a cool job. Hmmm.. Oh Woah. I got a text from.. Niall? Niall: hey did you know that Callie can sing? And that she's sorta amazing? Uh Oh! Callie said she didn't want him to know. How did he find out!?! How did you find out? Did he find her youtube? Uh Oh. She is going to be so upset. Niall: She was singing in my room and playing the guitar. she got mad when I walked in even though I think she is amazing and could be famous. Can you help me convince her to sing for Harry so that I can secretly record it and give it to Simon? Oh okay. Well then. Should I help him? What if She finds out and gets mad at me? But she will have a great career and then me and Kenzie and Taylor can be her stylists! Oh I am so helping with this plan. Yeah I will help! Tell her that I want to hangout with her. Then I can just get her to sing for me and then record it myself. Maybe it will convince her to sing for Harry.

Callie is here now. I have to convince her to sing for me. "Hey, Callie. So Niall.. told me that he found out you can sing." I said. "Niall talked to you? Oh god. Now you are probably going to make me sing for Harry and I don't want to." She said. "I think you should sing for Harry. What about the 'brother and sister getting to know each other' thing?" I asked her doing air quotes. "Yeah, well... He doesn't need to know every detail." "Yes, Callie, he does. He has told you everything about him and you haven't." "So! I'm not going to just go up to him and be like 'hey harry I can sing' Yeah. NO! That's awkward and not happening. sorry not sorry." She said. She is so stubborn...

"Callie, come on we are going out. It's karaoke night at the club and all of the boys and girls are going, but of course not Britt." I said. She sighed. "Fine.." "Okay let's get ready!" We are getting dressed in really cute clothes. Tonight we are ALL going to sing karaoke, well except for the boys because it will bring attention towards us and we don't want too much attention. It gets annoying having people follow us around and stuff.

We all look hot. Zayn looks like sex, Niall looks like an Irish sex god, Harry... He always looks hot as hell, Louis looks hot all the time too, Liam looks really really sexy. He doesn't normally look this good. Geez, he's really trying hard to get Kenzie to like him. She just ignores him. How is she still able to do that, if I weren't dating Zayn I would totally be all over Liam. Oh well, Kenzie will eventually start to like him. ( )


So tonight we are all going out to the club for karaoke night. Niall and Maddie are making us go, saying that we will be in for a surprise. I wonder what this surprise is. Kenzie looks gorgeous, as always, and she is ignoring me.... As always. I just might give up.. I don't understand I have tried everything. I have been nothing but nice to her and she still won't even hangout with me. Maybe I can get Callie to help me. Callie and I haven't really talked since the other day. I miss my little American Leprechaun. We will for sure dance together tonight.

We are at the club now. "Hey Callie, come and dance with me?" I said. She looked at Niall as if asking for permission he nodded his head. "Let's go LiLi!" She screamed and wel walked to the dance floor. Damn. I didn't think dancing with Callie would be like this. She seems like such a good girl.Kenzie is just sitting there talking to Niall, but staring at me. Niall is getting a little mad. Maybe it's because Callie and I are like practically having sex with clothes one minus the kissing. This is getting a little weird. "Callie, you should slow down a little bit. Niall is getting mad." I said to her. She turned around and now we are facing each other. "Oh, I kinda forgot he was here. Maybe I should dance with him and you can dance with Kenzie. I will talk to her and get her to do it." I nodded and smiled.

My Brother, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now