Chapter 12

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Niall and Harry went to go and get Callie from America. Maddie is with Zayn and it's just me stuck in this flat with two girls. Brittany is just sitting there texting Harry and it's annoying. Taylor is not bad. I like her. She's cool. I need to ask her out. "Hey Taylor, can we umm... go on a walk?"  I asked her. "Umm.... Yeah I guess. Brittany are you going to be okay here by yourself?" "Yeah I will be fine" Britany said.

We walked out of the door and started walking. "So.. Taylor..... Do you want to go out on a date with me?" I asked her! I did it. I'm swagmasta from Doncasta. She just looked down and blushed. Aww Taylor is pretty. Her smooth light brown hair flowing in the wind. I love her eyes. I could look into those hazel eyes for hours. "So when are we going on this date?" She asked me. "Um.. How about tomorrow night, yeah?" I asked. "Okay, we need to go back inside Brittany texted me and she's scared." She said and then we both laughed. I grabbed her hand and it fit perfectly into mine. We walked into the flat.

Brittany immediately looked down at our hands. I saw Taylor's face turn bright pink because of the look Brittany give her. "Did I miss something?" she asked Taylor and I. "Well, you see, I now have the most beautiful babe as my girlfriend" I said kissing Taylor's cheek. Brittany awed at us and went to her room. Taylor followed behind her and I went to my room to sleep alone. Because Hazza isn't here.


We just got off the plane and are now eating breakfast. Callie looks happy again and I am happy for her. "Hey, Niall. What are you doing this week since we have the week off of work?" I asked him. "I was thinking about going home to Mullingar. To go drink. To go see me parents and friends. Oh and I have to go see my Shower of Cunt girls."  Callie immediately looked up, "What?" Oh. Shit is about to go down. "Who are the shower of cunt girls?" I asked. "Oh, just these girls that are always at the Dublin airport." Callie continued to eat. It looks like something is bothering her. "Oh, Okay. So, Callie, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Holmes Chapel with me to meet my mum and my sister. I think you and Gemma will be great friends." I said changing the subject. "Yeah, that sounds.... Cool I guess. That sounds better than sitting at your flat with Taylor and Louis." She said. Yep. Something is really bothering her.

We went home and Niall was about to leave to go to his flat. "Callie, I think I am just going to go home and sleep. I am really tired from all the plane rides. So I will text you later, babe." Niall said. "Okay.... Good night... I guess." He gave her a hug and a kiss and walked away.

As soon as we walked into the flat she just ran into her room and slammed the door"Is she okay?" Taylor asked looking concerned. "Don't worry about it. I got this." I said. I walked into her room and there she was crying. Not a lot. Just a little bit crying. "Callie. Are you okay?" I asked her. "Harry. Are you sure that he likes me?" She asked. "Yes." "Well it doesn't seem like it. We just got back together and he doesn't want to spend time with me. Does he not want me to meet his parents? Or did he not even tell his parents about me? I just don't understand." She stopped crying. I think now she is just angry. "Well, Callie, I don't think he has told his parents. He hasn't been home or talked to his parents since you got here." I defended him. "Oh... I think that I am just tired.. I am going to just get over it. And calm down." She said. "It's alright Callieboo. I promise everything is going to be alright." I said hugging her.


I feel really bad. I am such a dickhead. Callie and I just got back together and I didn't even spend time with her. I bet she's mad at me for not inviting her home with me too. I haven't even told my parents about her yet, I am planning on doing it when I go tomorrow. I need to text her. Hey Babe. Do you want to come over I just realized that I want to hangout with you xx Now I wait for her to reply. Callie aka my PRINCESS: Yeah I will be over in a few minutes :)

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