Chapter 16

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So we all went to the club and did karaoke. Louis looked titillating. He looked flawless, Like a unicorn peeing sparkling water. Besides that Zayn looked really hot too. I'm really tired though so I am going to go to sleep.

I'm running through a grassy area. I am there with a really handsome guy. He's Zayn Malik. He grabs my hand and runs with me. We fall into a whole into the ground and then Zayn was naked. Oh god. I look down and I am naked too. Then, Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland shows up but he lomorphs into  Louis. "Taylor do you not love me anymore? Why are you naked with Zayn?"

I woke up. That was a really weird dream. I look over at the sleeping Maddie. I need to get something to drink. I walk into the kitchen to find Harry laying naked with that chick that he cheated on Brittany with. "What the actual fuck!?!"  I said. The girl looked at me getting off of Harry. "Who are you?" She asked me. "I live here. Who are you?" "I'm Mallory. Harry. I told you someone would come in here. Why did you insist on fucking on the table." She said. EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW. "Harry. That is disgusting. Can you please get off of the table. Ew I can't even... EW!" I screamed. Now Louis is in the kitchen. "What is going on in here! You loud people woke me up from a sex dream with... Oh hey Taylor. Harry why are you naked and who is she?" A sex dream. Okay. "I'm Mallory. Look Harry you woke them all up from screaming Brittany so loud. Who is Brittany anyways?" "Brittany is one of my best friends! And actually you didn't wake me up I had a weird... dream...." I yelled. Louis gave me a weird look. "Harry, you still didn't explain to me why you are naked and what she is doing here!" Louis screamed. "Louis, I don't want to talk about it okay! Leave me the fuck alone!!!" Harry screamed so loud. He looks like he is going to cry. Almost like when he choked on a blueberry.

"I'm not going to leave you the fuck alone until you tell me what the fuck is going on. I don't care if you are my sex monkey just TELL ME WHAT'S HAPPENING?" Louis screamed. "HEY THAT'S MY LINE! I could hear you all the way in my flat so like um. Does any one wanna like tell me um what's like going on?" Zayn said randomly walking into our flat. "I FUCKED MALLORY ON THE KITCHEN TABLE OKAY! THAT'S WHAT IS GOING ON. CAN EVERYBODY SHUT UP AND LET ME GO BACK TO DOING THAT." Harry screamed at all of us.  "Harry, that's disgusting." Louis said. "Seriously you should all leave or I will continue to fuck Mallory with you in the room." "Why are you going to fuck someone when we are all in the room." Kenzie said as she walked in the room. "Well Taylor interrupted us and I didn't even cum yet!" EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW! "WE DID NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT!" Zayn said. Wow he didn't say 'like' or 'um'. "I don't care either get out or my dick goes in." "I pick the second choice." Mallory said. "You are a slut!" Kenzie said. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FLAT! YOU ARE A WHORE AND NOTHING MORE! HARRY'S DICK IS MINE! GET OUT, YOU DICK SUCKING, HARRY FUCKING, LIFE RUINING, BOYFRIEND STEALING, FLABBERGASTING, EXASPERATING, CUNT LICKING, HOEBAGING, BITCH ASS MOTHER FUCKING WHORE!" Louis screamed at her as he grabbed her and threw her out of the flat, locking the door behind her.

Harry screamed at the top of his lungs and started bawling his eyes out. "I just want Brittany back!" He screamed. "Okay I cannot handle this shit! Good night!" Kenzie said leaving the room. "Taylor will you help me take care of Harry?" Louis asked me. I nodded. Zayn followed Kenzie into the other room. He's probably going to lay down with Maddie. How did she sleep through all of that. Whatever! "Louis, can you please put some clothes on him." "Harry, put some fucking clothes on you aren't a baby and I am not your father." Louis said to Harry who is still crying and mumbling 'Brittany'. "Louis, I don't think he is going to get off the floor. We have to carry him into your room and put clothes  on him." I said. We picked him up and carried him out of the kitchen and into Louis' room. Louis got his boxers and threw them to me and I put them on him. "Thanks Tay. Can you call Brittany? I don't want to talk to her, I just want to hear her voice." Harry asked me. "Sure. I will call her." I dialled her number and it started to ring. "Hello?" Brittany said. Harry looked at me with wide eyes. "Hey, Brittany, It's Taylor. How are you? Oh and by the way you know who is in the same room as me and you are on speaker because Louis wanted to say hi." I said. "Hello!!" Louis screamed. "Louis shut the fuck up." Harry said. "Um. What's his problem?" Brittany asked. I looked at Harry he mouthed 'please don't tell her!' "He just got mad because Louis and I woke him up." "Oh, ok. So why did you call me in the middle of the night?" Brittany asked me. "Because we just wanted to see how you are doing." "Well, I can't exactly pour my heart out to you right now so... I guess I will go with everything is perfect. Actually. There is this really hot guy that I met and I think I might be seeing a lot more of him."  Brittany said. Harry put his face in the pillow and screamed a blood curdling scream. "What was that?" Brittany asked. "Harry.... In response to you seeing a hot guy. Britt. You should come back here." I said. "No. Things are good how they are now. I don't need anymore drama. And this guy Will is really nice." She said. "Ooooo. Will who?" "Sweeny." She said. Harry turned around and looked at Louis. What is their deal? "Britt. I gotta go. I will call you tomorrow or something." I said before hanging up. "What?" I asked them. "I'm going to have to call my friend Will up tomorrow. I have some serious business to discuss with him."


sorry it's a short chapter! What do you think? How will Harry handle his friend Will Sweeny? Will Mallory ever be gone? Keep reading to find out!

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