Chapter 7

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Brittany's Point of View

I woke up before everyone. Even before Callie, which is weird because she always is the first to wake up. Woah. I just heard a loud sound. It sounded like a door slam. I hear crying now. WHO'S AWAKE!?! I walked out of our room and saw Harry by the front door sitting on the floor and crying. "Harry..... Are you okay?" I asked him. "Oh, Brittany. Yeah I'm fine," he said wiping away his tears and standing up. Seeing him cry made me want to cry. "Harry. Seriously, what's wrong? You were crying, why?" I asked again. "I just absolutely hate it when Caroline Flack thinks that she can have me back whenever she wants. For an older girl she's not very smart. It bothers me because I don't fancy her anymore. I fancy...... someone else, that's not her." Harry said. AWW who does he fancy if it's not me then I will cry. "Well, who is this someone who isn't Caroline?" I asked trying to get him to tell me. "Well, she has lovebites on her neck. And she's really nice and caring. Her name starts with a 'Britt' and ends with an 'any' and she's standing right infront of me." He just told me he likes me!!!!!! "Harry, have you ever thought that maybe she likes you back. Just a suggestion, you should ask her out on a date." "Brittany, will you go on a date with me?" he asked me!!!! OMG. "Yes, I will."

Callie's Point of View

I just woke up and Brittany isn't in our room anymore. I hear talking. It sounds like Harry and Brittany. AWWWWW Harry just asked her out. Today is my second date with Niall. Oh I have a text

Niall The Sexy Leprechaun: Hey Babe, I can't sleep. Thinking about you keeps me up at night :) You up?

I decided to text back.

Yes I'm up. I can't sleep either. I wish you were here. Harry just asked Brittany out on a date.

I tried to close my eyes and sleep but Niall texts back fast. Always has his phone on him and he's always ready to reply.

Niall The Sexy Leprechaun: Well it's about time. He only spent the whole movie giving her lovebites. That really means something because Harry never gets distracted from his favorite movie. So.. I have to talk to you today.

Oh No! Whenever someone says they need to talk to me it's usually because I did something wrong. Well I guess that's good that Harry found someone he is interested in.

About what?

I texted back. I hope I didn't do anything wrong. Shit. Now I'm scared.

Niall TheSexy Leprechaun: It's nothing bad. Don't worry babe, you are perfect.

Oh good. But really I'm not perfect. He is. His hair is perfect, his smile, his laugh, his body, everything about him is perfect!

Oh but I'm not perfect. you are :)

Time passed by and it was now 12:00. The girls are awake and we went out of the room to eat some Lunch/breakfast.

"Hey, Brittany. how are you today?" I asked hinting that I knew something went down between her and Harry. "Nothing I won't be here tonight so you will be missing me from movie night number two." She said. "Oh where are you going?" Taylor asked. "Oh Harry and I are going out. Like on a date," She said smiling. "Finally, it only took him forever to ask you." Maddie said. "No, it took Niall a week to ask me. You have only been here a day and you already got a date." I said laughing. "Callie you only have like an hour and a half to get ready before he gets here," Brittany said. "Shit. What time is it?" I asked. "1:30" Taylor said. "SHIT! I'm gonna go get ready," I said going to mine and the girls room. "I'm coming with you to help you!" Maddie said following me.

We picked out the cutest outfit ever for me and I look absolutely amazing in it. Well atleast that's what Maddie said. I have exactly 30 minutes until Niall gets here to pick me up. I went out of the room and The first thing that was said to me was "OOOOH! Girl, you look so cute! Your outfit is sooooo adorable!" Brittany said it. "You look nice!" Louis said. "Thanks! I am kinda nervous for this date. Niall said that he has to talk to me today... " I said. "Oh Callie! Your leprechaun is here." Harry said. "You're early?" I said. "Yeah I decided to come early. I really wanted to see you. Are you ready to go?" He's so cute!!!! "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go Leprechaun!" I said. "Hey, you can't call me a leprechaun, you're one too!" He has a point. "True true!" I said.

We got in the car and had been driving for a while. "Where are we going?" I asked. "It's a surprise!" He said smiling. He had his left hand on the steering wheel and the other one's holding my hand. He has such big hands for a little person. It's quite sexy. We arrived at a grassy area where a picnic was set up. It had all my favorite foods! "Awwwww Niall!!!! You are so sweet. I don't deserve any of this." I said. "Yes you do! Now sit down with me so that I can talk to you." He said smiling. We sat down. Shit now it's time for us to talk. "Callie, I really like you. That's why I asked you on this date to ask you something. Will you be my girlfriend?" What!?! What just happened. "Yes, Niall! Of course I will!" I said! I was so happy I think he could tell. He kissed me for a long time.

We ate the food and it started to get dark. Stars were coming out so we decided to lay down and look at the stars. We're laying on the ground my head on his stomach and he's playing with my hair. "The stars are so pretty!" I said. "No not as pretty as you." He said. "You always know exactly what to say! how do you do it?" I asked. "I don't know, I guess I just feel comfortable around you. Do you want to come to my flat with me. I have something for you." He said. "Why do you always have to buy me stuff?" I asked. "Because I do!" he said. We got in the car and he started driving.

We got in his flat and he pulled out a silver box. Inside the box was a pandora bracelet that had 4 charms on it an 'N' a 'J' and a 'H' and a three leaf clover. "Aww Nialler! Why? Why do you always want to spoil me? Really I don't deserve any of this. I don't deserve you, you're too sweet." I said. "Just say thank you and kiss me!" He said. "Thanks Baby!" I said. I kissed him of course it's the least I could do. We started making out. Then I realized that he isn't wearing a shirt!

Harry's Point of View

"Brittany are you having a good time?" I asked her. We had already eaten our dinner and had desert. We were about to leave to go back to my flat. "Yes, Harry, this is one of the best nights that I have had in a long time." She said those words so perfectly. "Brittany. Britt, I know this is only our first date but I have never been so sure about something before in my life. Will you be my girlfriend?" Did I really just ask her this? Fuck, what if she says no.

"Yes! I will!" She said yes. YAY! " Okay let's go back home. So you can still hangout with your friends." My phone randomly buzzed. CallieBoo: Hey, just thought I would let you know that I am going to stay with Niall tonight. Love you Harrybear! see you in the morning. Please be nice to Britt, she's one of my best friends. Don't break her heart and don't make any mistakes you might regret in the morning. Um okay I guess Callie can just do whatever she wants. And sex is never something I regret in the morning. "Um, Callie isn't coming home tonight. She is staying with Niall." I said. "Oh Okay. Well I hope she doesn't do anything bad." She said.

Niall's Point of View

Callie and I have been kissing for about 10 minutes now. I had to take off my shirt because it was getting hot. Whether or not anymore of my clothes will be removed is 100% up to Callie because I don't want to rush her into anything. I would feel bad about taking her virginity. I decided that I was tired. I stopped the kissing. "Callie, I am really tired..." I said. "Yeah, so am I. I don't have any clothes again. And I still have your other clothes at Harry's." She said. "Do you want me to take you home, or do you want me to just get you some different clothes of mine for you to wear?" I asked her. I don't want her to go back home.

"I don't want to go back. Can I just wear one of your shirts?" She asked me. "Of Course, beautiful." I said. I went into my room and got Callie my Blue Jack Wills shirt. She followed me into my room and took her top off. "Thanks Nialler!" "You're welcome. You're changing infront of me?" I asked her. confused because she never changes infront of me. "Yeah. Do you not want me to?" she asked. "I don't care if you do or not, You just have never done it before. I didn't know you were comfortable with changing infront of guys." I said. "Baby, I'm a cheerleader. I have changed infront of so many people and a ton of my good friends are guys. Of course, guy cheerleaders but it's the same thing." When she said that I couldn't help but laugh. She laughed too.

I took my pants off leaving me in my Calvin Klein boxers. I got into my bed and waited for her. She came and layed down with me. I soon fell asleep. It was so easy to sleep knowing that she is with me.

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