Backstory/Explanations (Prologue)

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"DAMNED CHILD!!" My 'mother' shouted at me. She had a wooden stick in her hand and it definitely wasn't thin. She had been batting me and calling me 'damned child' or 'wretched beast', as well as many other names, for the past 10 minutes . Although it felt like I was just continuing on my long journey through life. As a child I was left at an orphanage, and the ladies there always said to hide my ears and tail when guests arrived. It must have been to trick them to sign those papers. Everyday since I was 4 I had been here. I had grown used to the bruises and scars and making up excuses to my friends and teachers. They try to get me to talk to a counselor every so often, though it's not like I listen. I sit there and look out the window. Wondering what it's like to be free. I'd remember when people taught me that adults can do what they want and that we were basically subject to their rule until we were one of them. I've stopped listening to those people.

Just today I have decided. I'm going to get out. I'd been planning this for a while. Getting good grades in school boosts hopes from people, leaving me with just a sliver of freedom to plan everything out. I'd been planning my path since I knew this was not a place for me, and I was finally ready. My mother beat me one more time against my back and told me to go to my room. I happily obliged, sneaking a little, "goodbye, bastard" under my breath. I'm sure we will both be happier when I'm gone.

And that leads me up to my current point. I sit here on the street, a 15 year old, as the sun begins to rise. I loved the sunset, to me it symbolized the next day of successful survival. I sat out here waiting for the shop next door to open. Well, I guess I'm waiting for the shopkeeper to notice me. Although I'm a little runaway that doesn't mean I will just barge in. Anyways, this shopkeeper is my friend. He sends me off with breakfast every day. I looked up to the door next to me as I heard the store bell ring. Looking down at me with his kind smile I saw Mr. Mutskuni. I stood up as he went to his store and grabbed something. I looked in, trying to guess what I would get today.

"Here you go, little girl. Still haven't chosen a name for herself have you now?" Mr. Mutskuni asked as he handed me a little rag that I knew had food in it. "No, I'm not staying with the Ichigo that my parents gave me." I said cringing when I said parents. I waved goodbye as the man opened up his shop. It was called the Breakfast Corner, considering his shop was on the corner of two streets. A lot of people around here helped me with things I needed, but it was only the elderly that really payed attention and reached out. I walked head down in my little hoodie so no one could see me. Little did I know that a man in front of me would change my life forever.
What I would call a short chapter, thanks for tuning in. I really hope that these are good and that you enjoy them. Made this one short because obviously it's just a backstory. Read ya next time!

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