Chapter 1: Who are You?

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Sora's POV
I was keeping my head low as I walked away from the Breakfast Corner. I was going to wait to eat my breakfast, I didn't want to drop what Mr. Mutskuni made himself. I thought about it happily how I had made it with the people on this street for 5 years. Who needed a mother and father when you have friends that are like family? I pondered on my thoughts as I trudged through the busy sidewalks. And suddenly I ran into a tall man's back.

I dropped my breakfast on the ground, and I almost forgot about the man that had just turned around to see me. I looked up, and remembering my manners, I bowed and said that I was sorry. I walked off. Well, I tried to. He grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. Pushing up his glasses the man spoke in a monotone voice, "Where's your family?" I looked at this man in disbelief. He had purple eyes and black hair. He looked as if he really didn't care, but he still asked. And, with that, I answered him, "Hopefully nowhere around here. It would be impossible for them to be here in Japan." He looked at me, and looked at me, and I started to think that he was trying to glare. My imagination was trying to think. I knew this place well, and I knew how to get away if he asked anything about a home. "Well, you must go back to an orphanage, I'll drive you there." He told me, his gaze never lightening up. I looked at him in disgust. Luckily I'm a quick person with a speedy reaction time and good martial arts from watching black belts practice. He wasn't going to take me anywhere...

Kyoya's POV

The little girl looked up at me for the first time, I could only see one eye, but that blue hit me with a glare. She twisted my wrist, the slight second pain making me let go of the girl. As a part of the Ootori family I was not going to be beaten by a little girl!

I ran after her through alleyways and down streets as I called the Ootori police force. Every minute she was getting farther away. "She's quick." I said under my breath as I kept up the chase. We had somehow gotten to a small place that looked abandoned. I lost sight of her. That clever little girl must know her way around. She seemed polite as you first meet her. But, she's as quick and fast as any other animal. She almost resembles what would be thought of as the head of cat kind.

Sora's POV

I looked down from the banner I had climbed up to. And that's when I saw police cars pull up. I thought he looked like someone I saw on the newspaper. They own a huge company and have their own police force. 'Well, this should be fun' I thought to myself.
Sorry I keep switching between their points. I'm not very good at third person, so this is my way around that. Thanks if you actually read this far. I know I said I wouldn't ask for comments, but if you would plz tell me if there is a flaw in my story. Thanks guys!!

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