Chapter 3: Kyoya... That's Wrong

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I went into the limo when reality hit me. I hadn't been in a car since I was taken from the orphanage to my house. My 'mother' didn't drive me anywhere. "I guess I'll give this a shot," I whispered under my breath as I reluctantly put on my seatbelt.

We were driving down the road, though the car felt a little odd. I guess I'm really not used to these things. I got pulled away from my focus when I saw the limo pull up to a large house. No, house was an understatement. This place was a mansion! I don't know if I'll be able to stay here for a whole week.

The first thing the lady did was bring me inside to a bathroom. She had a little plain blue sweatshirt and a pair of long black pants. They looked my size and she nodded approvingly as she set them down on a stool next to her. "I'm Madoka, and the first thing you need is a bath." I flinched. She was going to see my ears, "I don't like baths!!" I yelled at her. She was obviously surprised to hear me say something. Now that I think about it I hadn't talked around her much.
"Now, your taking a bath. Your filthy." She pulled my hood as I tried to run away. It flopped down and I turned to her. My ears lifted in her direction as her expression changed. 'Oh, no!' I thought, 'she's going to make fun of me now!'

Kyoya's POV
I heard a scream come from the bathroom as I walked past. Then it became silent after a little shuffling. I thought she had done something to the usually peppy Madoka. So I opened the door to see Madoka staring at the girl. 'She was definitely a teen' I told myself as I looked at her, she turned around to see me and I stared at two little black and blue things sticking out of her head. "Ears?" I questioned looking at her.

Madoka snapped back to reality and went over to her, "if that's all then there's nothing to worry about. Your getting in the bath and I don't care if you have other reasons." Madoka pushed me out of the bathroom as I heard her turn on the bath. What I just witnessed was a ca- no, girl with actual cat ears. And her eyes looked up at me with such innocence. Her eyes... I thought about her eyes as I walked upstairs. I feel drawn to protect her as though she were my little sister. Is it the drawing of her mismatched eyes? The blue one showing her cold glares and her bad side. And the hazel one that revealed a kind heart that was actually very trustworthy.

Sora's POV
I had finished the bath and left Madoka because she kept bothering me about how cute my ears and tail were and questioning how my eyes could even be such different colors. I looked around. I needed to know who that man was and if he was going to throw me out because of my ears. Not to mention that he hadn't seen my tail, which was twirling around as I walked through the long towering hallways. Madoka said that in his room the lights would be off and I would hear a typing sound. To be honest I could hear the typing from downstairs, but I decided not to tell her.

I walked up to a room. The typing sounded closer here so I knocked on the doors. If I was going to stay here then I needed to remember all of my teachings of manners. "Come in," I heard a man's voice from behind the door. I opened the door and silently closed it. His lights were indeed off, and since it was getting dark there was no light from the sun either. Just the light of his computer and the sound of his typing. I found this room somewhat comforting. For some reason this quiet person that seemed secluded from everyone else was a comforting person. I silently walked over and looked over his shoulder at the computer. He was typing a lot of numbers when I noticed something. It looked wrong on the computer. "Umm," I whispered as the man jumped just now noticing I was behind him. "What is it?" He asked.
"Well, your computer's numbers look weird right there."

Kyoya's POV
"Well, your computer's numbers look weird right there." The girl said looking at my screen. I reread it and stared in astonishment. This high schooler that has probably had no teachings for quite a while just glanced at my computer and noticed a high level problem was wrong. "I see" I spoke to her, trying to cover my astonishment. A few awkward seconds went by as I fixed it, "Little girl?" I asked her.

"Yes?" She replied looking at me over my shoulder. "When was the last time you were taught something?" I asked her.
The girl looked up and stared to think. Well, I left my last house 5 years ago, so probably around that much time." She explained, putting one finger up to her chin at a diagonal angle.

I looked at this impossible little girl. "How'd you know this was wrong?" I questioned trying not to press. She seemed unfazed and just simply answered, "It just didn't look right. I honestly didn't know how to fix it."
"How old are you?" I asked eagerly. This girl must be below my grade right? "Umm," the girl replied again, "I think I turn 15 in a few days."
Just as I was about to ask another question my rude cousin barged in. "There we go!!" She exclaimed happily, "She's allowed to stay with us for a little while. Father just agreed as long as she stays out of the way and goes to school. I heard part of your conversation so I'm just going to come with you to Ouran tomorrow to talk with the headmaster!"

Sora's POV
Her voice is annoying when it gets to a high pitch, I thought to myself as my ears bent back and flattened on my head. "What about the name situation?" The man asked her. "Well, Kyoya. I think that it's your duty to name her since she'll be going to school with you." Madoka answered. Oh, so that's his name. The man is Kyoya. I told myself looking up at him. He looked down at me, and I was well aware that since my brown eye was covered by my bangs he was looking at my blue eye. "Fine, then. I'm calling her Sora." Kyoya said as he closed his computer slid us out of his room, "see you tomorrow." He said as he shut his door.

"Let's go, Sora." Madoka said looking down at me and reaching out with her hand. "No." I replied. I couldn't stand this girl. Her stench or her voice. She was kind but too over the top. "I'm sleeping in there." I said pointing at Kyoya's room from the stairs she was about to take me down. I wiggled my wrist out of her grasp, opening and closing the door in Madoka's face. I crept up to Kyoya's bed and crawled in, my back facing him. He was already asleep so I had no troubles staying. His breath wasn't to loud and he still had that comforting presence about him. I think that I could live here as long as this person didn't leave. He seemed guarded but also very protective and devious in his own little way, the way that made things seem fun.
That was a whopping amount for me, being a newb at this and all. I hope your enjoying this story so far. I know I am. I finally got to 1200 something words and the first thing I notice is that both my pinkies and a few other fingers, were all super numb. My pinkies are purple! Thanks for reading and good luck with your life today(or tomorrow if your reading this in the middle of the night like I usually do). See ya later!

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