Chapter 4: Starting Highschool

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Kyoya's POV
I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I was getting up out of my bed when I suddenly noticed a small weight holding me down. There, holding onto my pajama shirt with one hand, was Sora. If it were anyone else I might have yelled and gotten mad. But she looked to peaceful to wake up. I smiled a slight smile as I gently woke her up. And, as I did so, I noticed just how cute this little Neko was. The kind of cute that needed protection.

Sora's POV
I woke up to someone shaking my shoulders. I blinked once before opening my eyes fully. Kyoya was there waking me up, "It's time to get up and get ready for school, Sora." He told me. I turned over, "Just a few more minutes. I'll catch up." The last thing I saw was Kyoya smiling down at me, his face holding a gentle expression. I definitely preferred him over that loud Madoka. I woke up again a few minutes later to hear Kyoya say, "It's been 5 minutes now go over with Madoka and put on clothes. We will have your school uniform tomorrow." I obeyed, getting up and taking a slight glance at his uniform before I went to Madoka's room. Although I hadn't been here for more than two days, I already memorized where the main rooms I needed were.

Approaching Madoka's door I knocked and walked in as she welcomed me. "Ok," she said looking at me from head to toe and grabbing clothes from her closet, "I have the perfect outfit for your first day. Have you ever tried to clip your ears down with bobby pins?" I cringed at the thought of it even though I had never tried. "No, I haven't." I didn't mention that it might still pain me. I didn't want to give this family to much stress at one time. And I most definitely did not want to be rude.

I walked out to see Kyoya hand me a bowl of eggs and rush out with me and Madoka. We all climbed into the limo, which I still found to be uncomfortable and unnatural, and we raced off to school.

The. Building. Was... Pink.
"What kind of place is that!" I exclaimed staring at the stupidly pink school. I've despised the color pink for as long as I can remember. It hurts my eyes and has always been my enemy. Maybe that's why I don't like Madoka very much. She just screams pink. I was sitting next to Kyoya and I hid my face from the shining school. "What's wrong?" Kyoya asked me. "The color is jumping at me. It's threatening." I half whispered half trembled through my words. Kyoya looked down at me and smiled. He was laughing, and he was trying to change expression back to his original one. All of the sudden, he caught himself. He once again wore the blank face he wore when I first met him. "That's just a big monster of pink that you can befriend and see everyday. That big pink blob welcomes you to learning new things, Sora." Kyoya stated. I loved the name he gave me. It was kind as it came out of him no matter what expression he had. And it seemed so natural, almost like it was supposed to be my name from the beginning. His words, though sounding fairly odd, were reassuring. It was nice to know he was going here too. Only he was 16 so he was in the high classes of the second years. Even if I were able to get my knowledge up to his, I still wouldn't be in his class since you only skip grades in normal schools or if the government confirms that it's ok. I would still make him proud, I decided.

A man opened up both doors on the sides of the limo, I believe his name to be Malcott. I slightly bowed to him and thanked him as I hurriedly walked to follow Kyoya. He was actually dismissed from earlier classes so we ended up dropping Madoka off at her job. I was happy about this because that meant I got to spend more time with whom I will begin to call my big brother.

I didn't know how Kyoya remembered the way through his house and this school. I have to get used to both in the matter of a week. I don't know if this is possible. I didn't even notice Kyoya stop until I ran into his back. I looked at the tall looming doors, and I hid behind Kyoya. I knew I was acting childish, but I'm not used to being the center of attention for a class of people. It was unnatural to just go around meeting people that I don't even know the names of. "Don't worry," Kyoya said, breaking me out of my fear, "Mr.Suoh is actually quite kind, although he's just as reckless as his son." I giggled a little wanting to meet these two people that Kyoya called crazies. If he called Madoka crazy, then I wondered what they are like.
Kyoya opened the great doors with ease, after knocking, and we both stepped forward bowing. As I lifted my head back up I noticed a handsome blonde man sitting at a big desk next to a wall that was practically just windows. His features were childish, just like Kyoya had said. "I'm Sora," I said, stepping forward and no longer afraid, "I'm the one hoping to stay at this school." He nodded and looked at Kyoya, "I would like you to stay with her all day. She might end up like Haruhi and get swept with a crowd and become lost." He looked back at me as he finally got a glimpse of both of my eyes at once, "WHAT A CUTIE!!" He exclaimed jumping out of his seat.

"We will be going now," Kyoya said exasperated as he turned me towards the door and ushered me away from the crazy Suoh. "Goodbye, Mr.Suoh" I said as I exited his quarters. I immediately turned my attention to Kyoya. "Pay attention, Sora. You'll need to know this path tomorrow."I nodded and did what he told me to. When we finally arrived at my first class I started to get nervous. There were lots of people here. Kyoya went in and explained to the teacher. I saw them nodding to each other and he came back outside of the door. "We'll go in when he tells you to. All you have to do is go out say your name, and then take a seat. Unless you want to say something else." That was probably the most I had heard Kyoya ever speak this morning. I think he could see my scared face. Because he reassured me and we were both ready when the bell rang.

"Good morning, students. Please finish taking your seats quickly." I heard a man say as many chairs were pushed in and made a squeak on the floor, "Ok, class. Today we have a new student. Please come in."
I walked in with Kyoya behind me. The girls drew their attention to Kyoya. Which relieved me nerves as I introduced myself, "Hello everyone, I'm Sora. My brother is accompanying me today, but I will be in here alone tomorrow." I sighed and noticed how Kyoya smiled at me when I said brother.  I couldn't tell if it was a scary warning smile or a meaningful smile, it almost looked fake. I walked up and sat at the last remaining seat that had an empty one next to it.

"Kyoya?" I heard two voices come from the little ginger heads who sat next to me, apparently they knew my 'brother'. "Hikaru, Kauru," Kyoya said nodding to then both as we took our seats, "Nice seeing you here." The one I believed to be Hikaru nodded to me and asked quietly, "I thought you didn't have a sister, Kyoya." Kyoya looked over at me, "I'll explain at the host club so I can tell everyone." Kyoya had seen my exasperated face as I was missing out in the stuff they were learning, "But, for right now, you should pay attention to your class." I happily obliged to what he said in my head as I listened to the teacher. What we were learning was considerably easy, but I saw the twins having trouble. They'd been in school longer than me and they can't pick this up? I'll ask if they need help later, I told myself.
Looks like my fingers are getting used to hanging in the air. I got more than 1,200 and my fingers are fine. When you forget bold for the rest but have something planned all to well in your head... I'll just leave it. If I spelled Suoh wrong then plz correct me!! Also please remember that I am not doing Kyoya's family as it actually is. I also think that you might like to know that autocorrect changed Kyoya to lumpus's.

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