Chapter 6: Did Hikaru+Kauru just... Blush??

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Hikaru and Kauru came up behind me again. They jumped at me and my ears popped up, as well as my tail unraveling from around my waist. They had found out my secret.
"What are those?" Kauru and Hikaru questioned, touching my ears. I screeched as Kyoya came up and pushed back the twins. I was visibly pleased as Kyoya stood right between me and the host club. I ran to the back of him, grabbing the back of his nice, unwrinkled uniform. "You're scaring her." Kyoya told them off with a monotone voice, "You two need to be taught manners all over again."

Tamaki ran forward towards Kyoya and me, "MOMMY!!!" Tamaki ran right through Kyoya, but stopped right in front of me. His eyes traveled all around my ears and tail, "Do we get to keep her!!?" Kyoya looked at Tamaki as he gently pet my ears. To be honest, I didn't pull back. It felt quite nice to have someone gently pet and scratch my ears, it felt as though Tamaki probably had a cat at home. Kyoya pushed up his glasses, "She belongs to the Ootori family now."

Tamaki let out a sad sigh as the rest of the host club calmed down their surprised faces. Hikaru and Kauru showed up beside me all of the sudden. They both looked a lot calmer and by the look on their faces, they really wanted to touch my ears. "This is the only time." I told them putting my head straight so they could touch the top.

Kauru and Hikaru both scratched behind my ears, and I couldn't keep it in. I made a purring sound. Hikaru and Kauru stared at me as their faces started to turn beet red. They both took back their hands and quickly walked out the door. I looked down as Honey jumped up and asked if I wanted cake. "Su-" I tried to answer but got cut off by Kyoya pulling my arm. "Sorry, Honey. I think that we have had enough of the host club today." Kyoya lifted my hood back up over my ears and dragged me out of the room.

"How are your studies going?" Kyoya asked me suddenly as we walked out of the schools front gates. "Well, I don't know if you can call them studies since all of my classes are way to easy once they show me what I'm doing." I replied, suddenly quite focused on a few rabbits that were running at a extreme rate. One ran into my leg and I bent down to ask them what they were running from. "The crazy lady is chasing us around!!" The one that ran into my leg replied. I picked up both of the rabbits in my arms and put the smallest one into my sweatshirt's pocket. A girl with full red hair came running out of the hedges with two grey cages. She looked at me confused as I held the rabbits close. "Hello, I believe those are mine. Could you please give them back?" I looked down at the rabbit that had been driven to exhaustion in my pocket, and the other one who pushed up against me in an attempt to get away from the girl.

I walked away towards the Ootori family limo keeping the two rabbits close to me. I had remembered how Kyoya and Madoka wouldn't let me outside yet, but there was what looked like a beautiful garden in the back of the mansion. I figured that would be the safest place for the little critters. Kyoya decided to just follow along and climb in, acting like he hadn't seen a thing. Before the girl could stop the car, we had pulled out of the school grounds.

"You can't keep them inside if that's what you were hoping to do." Kyoya said, not even bothering to take a glance at me as I watched both rabbits nod off into a peaceful sleep, "I know. I just want to put them in the back garden. It looks nice enough out there for them. I looked at the rabbits closer while Kyoya's fingers lashed out at his computer making many different typing noises. The rabbits were very interesting. The smaller one was all black with a little fluffy white tail and little white ears. The other was covered in a snowy white color, its markings the same as the smaller one, but black instead. To see rabbits that looked so close to Yin and Yang was quite rare. Actually there was probably not even such a great possibility that anyone would see this in a decade(totally fake fact, it's quite normal to find a black rabbit with those markings, I just used to have to rabbits like this). That made me wonder what that red haired girl was going to do to them. I recalled how Kyoya practically knew everyone in school. "Do you know who that was?" I asked out of no where as I stroked the white rabbits black ears.

Kyoya types a bit more and then replied, "Yes, her name is Miyu Suzuki. Her family trades furs around the world. They also sell exotic animals." I continued to look down at the rabbits that were about to be sold for money. I was glad that we had left at that time.

The limo pulled into the mansion's driveway as Kyoya finally questioned me, "Where's your school bag, Sora?"
I looked around in search for my bag. I had left the bag in the club room. I shook it off knowing that I didn't have any work to do. Before answering him I climbed out of the car and ventured into Kyoya's backyard. The garden was truly magnificent and I went to go sit next to a beautiful stream that was flowing through. I was glad that I was found. And I don't think I will ever want to leave. Well, I thought that.
Sorry for two things- 1. It took me two days to upload this, 2. It's kinda terrible since I'm sitting here in my room with no inspiration. Tell me if I should rewrite the chapter! (The yin and yang stuff came because I have hw on religion and yin and yang is included).
If I should continue this book then plz comment on this chapter. I don't really know if my books are very good so I'll write them if you actually want to know what happens next.

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