Chapter 9

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Please check photo as it will be useful later. This is what Sora's hair looks like.

"Absolutely not!" Came as a surprise to me from Kyoya. I figured he would be quite fine with me getting my hair cut. I could even become a host! I looked up at him with puppy eyes(lol, kitty eyes) until realizing that he wasn't even looking toward me.

"Why not?" I asked, shocking a few of the members. I jumped out of Kyoya's arms, "I get bored just watching you guys, so it could be fun. And you could just say that the person before was who you picked off he street and that I was your actual brother." 

"Are you sure?" Haruhi asked, making a face, "it's really weird to be regarded as a boy all of the sudden."

"Yes, and-" I cut Kyoya off. "It's fine," I stated, "I cut my hair once while on the streets. Everyone thought I was a boy for awhile, but I quickly adapted to being called a guy. The problem is what my name would be. I might look to similar if I have the same name." I thought to myself, 'what would be a good boys name for me?'

"Nakuru!" I heard Honey yell with a mouth full of cake.

"Nakuru," I repeated to myself, "I like it!"

Kyoya stared in disbelief at what just happened. Not only did the host club have one female member, but now two. Kyoya looked up to see the entire host club staring at me, waiting for my decision, "Fine." Kyoya replied in defeat, "Hikaru, Kauru, go work your magic."

The twins quickly brought me into a small dressing room with different outfits and a makeup seat. The quickly began their work, signing as the cut my hair, "the people who cut your hair didn't even care to get a good cut in. As they lifted that part of the hair, I gasped at what I had forgotten in the comfort of the host club. Even though they had already lifted my hair up and paused, I still shot my hand up to cover the back of my neck.

"What is that??" The twins replied worriedly in unison. I felt movement from behind me as one twin grabbed my right hand and held my body still, the other twin plied my hand from my neck. I wasn't strong enough to pull back, and I heard the click of a camera before get released me. "We'll finish up your hair. It'll be a little short, but a beanie will cover your neck."

"What was that click from behind, then?" I questioned them.

"Us clicking our tongues at your childishness." They replied as the fixed up my hair. They sent me outside, not giving me a mere second to see what my hair looked like. Walking out to the host club, they gasped.

"W-what?" I questioned, lifting my hand to touch my hair. The twins had yet to give me a beanie, but my hair was slightly longer in the back. My hair was wildly kept, and it still kept its soft touch. Hikaru and Kauru handed me a mirror and I gasped as well. I looked even more like a middle schooler than before, except for the fact that I still wasn't wearing the boys uniform. As if reading my mind, the twins handed me a small enough suit to fit me.
- I don't feel like putting the part where she changes, I to lazy-
Walking out from the space once again, I felt the uniform slightly baggy. "Ummm...." I looked up, "it's a little baggy."

Hikaru and Kauru replied, suddenly coming very close, "It's good that it's baggy."

Kyoya pulled them away. He walked up and studied everything closely before putting his hand through my now short hair. He sighed as he ruffled it up like a little kid and brought me out to where the limo was waiting.

I could tell he was upset with my decision since he kept looking at me for a long time and then turning away when I finally looked up to him. We repeated this cycle until we got home, which was the point to break it to his father. We rushed in to make it to dinner, staying in our school uniforms. Kyoya's father and brothers stared at me as if I was some sort of crazy machine. "You had Sora with you this morning, why did you bring someone else home with you?" His father questioned with a bit of anger in his voice.

I replied instead of Kyoya, "I am Sora. Something happened and this was the best solution. I will now be at the school as Kyoya's younger brother Nakuru." I stayed just as I did last time, no hesitation. The family just nodded as Kyoya and I sat down to eat. Tomorrow was going to be the birth of the new me.

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