Chapter 10

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First thing when I walked into the school there were people looking over and staring at me and Kyoya. Both girls and guys had a dust of a blush on their cheeks, and the girls got deeper when I grabbed Kyoya's hand. My ears were still pinned but the moved backward slightly after I realized how many people were staring at us. "Nakuru, you'll need to get used to this," Kyoya said slightly, grasping my hand with a singular finger.

"Just for today?" I questioned, looking up to him as we walked through the door to the school. He replied with a hmm as we walked down to my first class.

"I'll explain everything and then leave to get to my class. You know your way around already," he said, walking I got the classroom ahead of time to tell the teacher our made up situation. According to it, Sora was sent back to an orphanage. Meanwhile, his little brother Nakuru, me, was brought back from the Americas and would attend this school. He walked back with a simple goodbye and went off to go to his classes.

I walked into the classroom, introducing myself to the teacher and waiting for the bell to ring beside his desk. Eventually, the bell rang and everyone took their seats. The teacher went over all of the story and then introduced me as Nakuru, showing me my seat in the classroom. I took a seat between Haruhi and the twins once again, all of which still knew it was me. They had to re act as their goofy selves and act as if they didn't know me. I continually saw the twins staring at me with questioning eyes, probably still hoping to know about the scar that ran on the back of my neck.

Once my last class before lunch ended I was acting as the shy little kid that I was when I was in the orphanage. Although the memories it brought back were not the best, the new experiences would help to cloud the old ones. Making my way to the second year hallway for lunch, I ran into Tamaki and Kyoya who were going to the host club. I went up to walk on Kyoya's side, which caused Tamaki to droop as he repeated over and over again, "my son loves mommy more,"

I thought about it a little before disappearing behind Kyoya and then reemerging beside Tamaki, grabbing his hand and swinging it around. "It's ok, daddy! Your special too," I told him happily, skipping ahead as he joined in. Together we slowly skipped ahead of Kyoya, who was continually looking between us.

Eventually, we got to the host club. Tamaki and me were still holding hands as we walked through the doorway. I felt a lot safer around the host club members now, but none as much as the twins and Kyoya. Suddenly, just as quickly as we had stepped through the doorway, I was removed from Tamaki's hold. I felt four pairs of hands wrap around my waist and pull me into the air. "Simba has been born, bow before him!" They yelled together as they walked through the host club with me still in the air. Not moving my own legs to go around felt unnatural, and I slowly began to panic.

"Guys..." I said a little sheepishly, afraid to make someone angry. My fear continued to build up as the trotted me around. "Guys," I squeaked loudly as they began picking up pace. I began feeling tears well into my eyes. "P-please put me down!" I yelped again, feeling each twin slowly bring me to the ground. The rest of the host club was to far away to hear anything, but the twins continually worried.

"Are you ok?" Kauru asked, wiping one of my eyes free from tears.

"Yeah, that just really scared me," I replied sheepishly.

"So," Kauru started, waiting for his twin to finish yet another sentence.

"When can you tell us about the scar on the back of your neck," Hikaru finished, questioning as he very slightly pointed to my hair.

I sighed very quickly, becoming afraid of what would happen if they were to discover what happened to me. What I had done. Who I was.

I shook my head and returned a smile to my face as I skipped over to the rest of the host club. As I hopped around I felt my foot run into a small wire. I began falling towards the ground, but after a swift arm spin and small bounce from my arm, I brought myself back to the floor.

"Wow, Naki-chan, I didn't know you feared slamming into the ground so much," Honey squealed from Mori's shoulder, laughing at how I had avoided the ground.

"Oh, yeah," I started to look off into space. What I had done was burned into my mind, will there ever be a time I can forget it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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