Chapter 8

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Kyoya's POV

When I awoke the next morning I could feel tiny breaths next to me. And I could feel the warmth and lift of the small body which was beside me. Looking down to my chest, I saw Sora snuggled up against my chest. My alarm would go off in five minutes, so I thought I'd get up early. To bad for that. As I tried to get up, I felt a little tug on my shirt, Sora wouldn't let go. Although waking her was not the option I wanted to go with, I figured waking her up at this point would be fine. We needed to get to school anyways.

I slowly sat up and shook her shoulder. Her tail popped out, and it began to thump against the bed. I shook her again, slightly harder this time. "Sora?" I questioned as she began to blink repeatedly. She wiped her eyes, "Good morning, Sora."

Sora's POV

We had breakfast after I was awoken by Kyoya. I didn't quite remember what happened, but everyone was fussing over me. Other than Kyoya's father and brothers, of course. We had gotten ready in record time, and I wondered if Kyoya had something to do when he got to school when we climbed into the limo. I now had to go to my classes in my own. And although I believe I knew all of my classes, I was still worried about getting lost.

We got to school and I got many untrusting stares from many girls, some of which were in my class. 'It's fine,' I told myself, 'I've been put through worse.' Kyoya and I separated at the staircase, and I walked on to my classroom. I walked through the empty classroom, and stopped at my seat in the second to back seat next to the window.

Just as I began to get lost in the scenery, a group of loud girls that I saw from the front of the school came in. I became unsettled when the group sat in the row behind me. All of the sudden, they quieted down. This was even more unsettling. Just as I was about to turn to them, I heard a snip. Although I had my ears tucked back with bobby pins, and hidden under my hair, I began to fear the saw them and tried to cut them off. But that was not true. I felt both my ears when I slightly wiggled them. Then I began to feel my hair, and a large chunk of it had been cut off to reveal and almost open space, with only one layer left to cover my neck.

I quickly sprinted away, grabbing the back of my neck. A long time ago, my family repeatedly whipped me. There was a time that my mother came from behind, and she whipped my neck with incredible force. My neck has been scarred ever since.

I ran up the long flight of stairs and sat in the club room. 'About three hours,' I told myself, 'You just need to hide here for three hours.' I wandered around the room for about 20 minutes before getting sleepy. Although I hadn't discovered everything, I did not feel like walking around this room over and over again. I walked over to Kyoya's table, it was small and round, made for just him to sit there and do his work. He normally sat here instead of at his hosting table. I walked over and laid down under the table, this seemed like a good place to rest. My hand still on the back of my neck, I fell asleep.

"Come on, Kyoya! We're having a meeting today!" I heard a voice explode from the halls as the host club doors opened.

Then I heard another voice, "Tamaki, calm down. They're farther away than we are." I still didn't want to get up, so I continued to lay there, keeping my eyes shut. I heard a second set of footsteps come through the door as soon as I opened my eyes to see black shoes emerge from the door. They were Kyoya's shoes. I squirmed a little under the table, and I could hear a screech.

"KYOYA!! MONSTER!!" I heard Tamaki's voice ring.

"There is no such monster," I heard as the footsteps got louder. The cloth over the table was lifted, and Kyoya quickly scolded me when he picked me up from under the table, "Why were you skipping class!" He practically yelled at me. He skimmed my face until he realized my arm was still covering my neck and the part of hair the people cut. "What's this?" He questioned, trying to bring my hand away from my neck. I quickly went against him. But, of course, he was stronger. Kyoya brought my hand forward, and checked around my back to look at my neck with both of my hands encased by one of his larger ones. He took one look at the hair, not even seeing the scar that was still on the back of my neck. "Who did this?" His voice began to become scary. That's when Hikaru, Kauru, and Haruhi walked through the door.

"What's going on here?" Haruhi questioned, quickly walking up to my and Kyoya. "This, Kyoya said, my hands still in his and my back turned to her. She gasped, "Who did this?" I heard her question as her gaze was relieved from being removed from my hair.

"I was asking the same." Kyoya said, turning to me.

"Well, the first thing we need to do is to fix her hair," I heard Hikaru and Kauru say in unison.

"How do you suppose we do that?" Kyoya questioned, turning to the twins.

"By doing-," Kauru began.

"-what Haruhi did." Hikaru finished.

'Me, having boyish hair? Why not?' I thought, not totally opposed of the idea.

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