Chapter 2: Understandings

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Kyoya's POV
I started searching through the streets trying to find the little girl. With no luck I took a little break pondering. This little girl is outsmarting me and an entire police force of trained professionals. Could she be this smart? If so then how does she get to school. She was glad her parents weren't here, but she dropped something. That's it! She dropped that same thing when she went off running. "Malcott" I called over my driver/butler, "go and get the dropped rag where we first saw the girl. And prepare the dogs. It's not good to have a young girl running around on her own." Malcott bowed and climbed into the car. And I couldn't help but think of the girl. One of her eyes was a bright blue, like the Caribbean Sea. Her hair was black with blue tips. If she got those from her parents then why would she run away? Ugh, I continued to think until Malcott and the german shepherds approached. I had the dogs smell the rag and they raced off through a small alleyway.

Sora's POV
I jumped off the banner as the man left. I followed, until I saw him stop. 'You can't risk being seen!' I told myself as I went through a small alleyway. I knew where I was. I figured that if I just turned a left then right to my secret hideaway then I would be free by tomorrow. But that wasn't the case.
--10 minutes later--
I heard barking, there were calls to someone. "Follow me, Master!" I heard one say. Another one jumped in, but he seemed just a little farther away, "We know where the cat is, Master!"
Although I am part cat, I really don't mind dogs. We get along just fine considering I'm also viewed as a person. But they were yelling out to this 'Master' maybe that was the man that was searching for me. Before I could get the thoughts through my head I saw the man and the dogs turn the corner. And there was no way to get out behind me. No building ledges to climb. I was going to end up staying right here.

The man ordered the dogs to grab my sleeves, but not to hurt me. I wouldn't let my friends be treated like that. I stood up looking at the two dogs, speaking to them aloud, "Wait, my friends. I can't run. You have gotten me. But why let this man take hold of you?" I questioned the dogs. They went up to me, but didn't touch me. The bigger told me that this man had saved them when he was younger. "We enjoy what we do for him!" The smaller male said.

Kyoya's POV
I can't believe what I just witnessed. This small girl just stood up to two german shepherds that had their teeth bared. And, not only that, but they calmed down as well. She looked up giving me a skeptical look. I was going to tell her that we were going to the orphanage immediately when my cousin walked over to me.

"Who's this little girl?" She asked me as she walked up. "Just a girl that needs to be registered to an orphanage." I replied coldly. This girl needed to get off the streets. But, my cousin, Madoka, had different opinions. "It's ok. We can take you home." Madoka told the girl as she inched closer. The girl suddenly looked up with a softer gaze. I think that Madoka just earned a little friend. "And where will I be taken?" The girl questioned. I still looked with my weirded out expression. This girl looked like she'd been out here forever. She knew where to get food and could communicate with animals. But she's so clever and she spoke with perfect accuracy.

"I want to bring you to a big beautiful house where we can take care of you, if only for a little bit." Madoka said, not stepping forward anymore.

"Do you have any animals?" The girl asked, looking even deeper into Madoka's eyes, Madoka replied with a simple yes. I still couldn't get over this girl. From here I started to notice how short she actually was. I had just noticed, but her knees had been slightly bent the whole time, making her look like a little girl. She looked about the same height as Haruhi, maybe just a tiny bit smaller. She was probably already a high schooler.

Sora's POV
"Fine. But I get to have the choice if I want to leave in a week. If I want to leave then you can't stop me!" I exclaimed. "Yes, yes." The kind girl said with her soft green gaze. The lady stepped forward looking for me to grab her hand. I looked at her hand and decided to instead grab the bigger german shepherds collar. "Can you take me instead?" I asked him. He happily replied with a bark, "Of course!"  And with that I was off to a new world. One I would never forget, and one that I may never leave.
Am I catching anyone's attention? I really hope so. I got to about 800 something words and then got hungry so imma go make food before I continue. See you all later, and have a good read even if it's not this one!!

The Neko girl and the OHSHCOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara