chapter 8

121 8 1

Trigger warning: self harm

Ash C's POV

Leigh falls alseep on me and I smile. I don't know why but we had a moment earlier and I fucking ruined it! I know I'm gay so why didn't I just kiss her? "Do you like her?" A voice asks. Without looking up I relpy "yes." I feel like it's my duty to protect her, if she doesn't like me back then, as a friend. But I hope she likes me back. "Please look after her. She's been through so much, she doesn't need someone else to hurt or leave her." Kellin pleads. I nod, still looking at her. She's so beautiful, even when she sleeps. Her lips are soft and plump, her nose is cute and boopable. She's so sweet and adorable and funny and I can't wait to get to know her more.

I don't want her to feel shit when she wakes up so slowly as not to disturb her, I lift her up and carry her upstairs. She's light and skinny. Is she eating enough? Exhausted for today's events I crash next to her. The matress is so soft! I will try to wake up before her so she doesn't freak out but it would be nice to wake up beside her... no, I don't want to scare her. With Kay in my thoughts I drift off into a peaceful and happy sleep.

Kay's POV

Sunlight pushes it's way through the cracks in my blinds. It turns like a spotlight and shines on me or rather, in my fucking eyes! Groaning and turning to avoid the rays of death I come face to face with one beautiful sleeping Ash Costello. What! I think. I was asleep downstairs...oh! Did she carry me up here?

Instead of waking up and leaving, I snuggle up next to her and fall asleep. Again. Unfortunately my sleep is short yet sweet as I am rudely awoken by my alarm for school. "Shit shit shit" I mutter. Glancing over my shoulder I notice Ash has left. For some reason I feel a slight weight on my chest but I'm not suprised. Why would she want to wake up next to me? I'm nothing. I'm useless I'm worthless I'm trash. People use me and throw me away. That's my purpose here. To be treated like shit.

With these thoughts in mind I step quickly into the shower. My hand rummages around in the bathroom cabinet door until something razor sharp cuts into my palm. Palm stinging I lift the blade to my thigh. Instead of slashing these cuts are shallow and controlled. Fresh blood oozes out if my wounds, dripping in a scarlet fountain down my leg. The water washes away the blood and I stick a few band-aids over them, sealing them and hiding them. My outfit today consists of black ripped skinny jeans with fishnets underneath. A Black Veil Brides tee, a black leather jacket and heeled boots complete my look. I pull my hair into a high ponytail, my fringe covers one eye, blocking out the haters.

I slide down the banister and jump (fall) off the end and land sprawled across the floor. In front of my face are a pair of black heeled boots. Standing up and brushing myself down I meet Ash's eyes. She just smirks at me and hands me my school bag. "See ya later sweetie" she says, kissing my cheek. I blush and before she walks away I exhale and press my lips against hers. She seems startled but kisses back. I pull away with a "I gotta go but I'll see you later." She smiles and I leave, heart pounding and lips tingling.

Hopping off the bus and over a puddle  I remember something and pull out my phone. After a few rings he answers. "Hey hun what's up?" Vic asks. "Um I forgot to take my pills. Could you drop them off for me please?" I ask timidly. "Of course. I'll try drop them off soon. Can you wait for a couple of hours?" He asks. I can hear the worry creep into his voice. "I'll be fine" I reassure him. "Ok see you later hun." "See ya" I reply and end the call.

My phone dings with a text message but I ignore it when a familiar face appears in front of me. "Hey Leigh, long time no see." They say. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I say in disbelief. They shake their head. Another two faces join them and I start crying. "Hey Leigh are you ok?" The first face asks. "Yes Tash. I'm ok. I'm more than ok! Hi Jay! Hi Scar! Why are you here?" Scarlet lets out laugh. "We got out stupid! Yeah we all got out of that shit hole." "Ah yes how are the witches at St James'?" I ask. "Half dead and then there's the patients who are the living dead. I don't entirely know how we got out but we did so ya know..." Tash trails off.

Jay opens his mouth to speak but I pull them into a group hug before he can. Giggling we walk arm in arm into the school. Break rolls around and Vic timidly walks through the gates. He has a small chat with Mr Sykes and then bounds over to me. "Here," he passes me a small packet. I take them gratefully. Before he leaves he tells me "I saw you and Ash this morning. I'm happy as long as you are. If she doesn't hurt you then you can do whatever. Fuck age it's just a number." With that he kisses my cheek and leaves. I smile and look at my phone. Crap! I forgot about the message! It was from Ash.

K=Kay A=Ash

A: I have a question.

K: shoot

A: after this morning...

K: yes...

A: will you be my girlfriend and go on a date with me on Saturday?

My heart almost explodes with happiness but...

K: no

A: oh...

K: I'm kidding!! Ofc!! Xxx

A: YAY!!!!! xxx

K: c ya later xxx

A: c ya xxx

A: babe xxx

K: ♥♥

I can't seem to stop smiling. I haven't even had my meds! Maybe all I needed was my three best friends (ok only friends) and girlfriend

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