chapter 13

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Dedicated to mistylily30

Andys POV

Doctors and nurses push me out the room. At first I'm in schock, then I'm angry. "Why the fuck can't I see her?" I scream at a random nurse. She has orange hair and a worried expression. "I'm sorry Sir, but your girlfriend is just waking up and we need to check she's ok. Please could you ju..."

"Don't tell me what to do! Why can't they check on her while I'm there? Am I going to cause 'disturbances'?" I know I'm being an ass but anger is flowing through my veins. I miss her smile, I miss everything. "Sir please she is very ill." She tries to take my arm but I shake her off and push her away. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I roar. "ANDY STOP!" Someone shouts from behind me.

Kellin runs past me and helps the nurse. "Hayley are you ok?" He asks, concern lacing his voice. She just nods. "I'm sorry Kellin but Kay just woke up!" He looks happy and shocked but just hands me two cups of coffee.

A doctor pops his head out the room. "She's ok. She can have visitors now." Without thinking I rush into the room, placing the coffee down beside her bed. "Hey snowflake. I missed you." She looks up at me with big watery eyes. "I'm so sorry Andy. It just hurts to much. Everytime I close my eyes I see her and I..." she breaks down.

My arms encircle her in a tight protective hug. I strokes her hair softly. "I'm here sweetheart, I'm here." My  words and actions seem to calm her and she pushes me away slightly. Jaime, Mike, Gabe, Tony, Justin and Kellin all walk in and I take it as a signal to leave. I mouth a quick "I'll call you." before walking away.

Kay's POV

Jaime tackles me into a big bear hug. "God we missed you Leigh! Never do that again!" I laugh softly and struggle a little. "Careful Hime you're squashing her." Justin notices. Jaime pulls away sheepishly so I flash him I smile. "Free hugs anyone?" I ask tentatively. Mike and Tony look at each other. "Group hug!" Soon I'm surrounded by three Mexicans, Justin and Gabe. When they let me breathe Kellin hugs me and sits down.

"Hey baby. Are you ok?" He asks.


It's dark. It's quiet. It's desolate. I'm alone. Wait no...I'm not alone. I can hear breathing. It's more than one person. I don't know where I am.

I take a few cautious steps forward and run into a door. Literally. "Fuck" I mutter. Searching I find a door handle and pull it, opening the door. Light comes flooding through and I walk into a circular room with a window. It must be night because nothing can be seen. Literally nothing. In the room are four chairs. One is empty.

I'm facing three people. One has completely black hair and split knuckles, another is a small child only about six or seven and then the final person has what can only be described as a stripper costume. Literally, she had barely any clother. Large black sunglasses cover her eyes but the rest of her is still visible. Unfortunately. I thought it was weird that I'm stuck in a dark place with three strangers, but the weirdest part is that the strangers...all look like me.

They aren't strangers. I know who they are. Oh no. Oh God no. Please. No.

"Hello Kay what can you remember?" Split knuckles asks. "Well L I remember being in my room, I remember blood, I remember Andy and now I'm here." L laughs a little. "So you recognize me" she says. I nod. Of coursr I do. They're me.

Rose says my thought out loud. "Of course she does L. We're her!"

"we are nothing like her" L snarls. "We are so much more"

"Well not really. We aren't better than her. She..."  a knife flies out of Ls hand, going straight through Rose's. The empty bottle rolls out her palm. She looks annoyed but not shocked. Grace gasps and shrinks a little. I go over to her, trying to protect her. "Where's Hayley?" I ask, knowing someone is missing.

L snorts and clicks her fingers. "You love her don't you." That's Kellin! "Kellin!" I scream. "They can't hear you" Grace says. Tears fill my eyes and I keep listening.

"No what you on about? I'm snowflake sexual" That's Andy

"Yeah and she's a special snowflake and you love her!"

No response from Andy. I smile through my tears. I misd him. So much. And Ash. Oh Ash. I love you. I sigh and reach out to touch the window.

"I love you Andy." I whisper

A gust of wind blows through the room and the window starts to light up. I turn and the empty chair starts to glow. When it dies down I'm met with a very angry Hayley. "You bitch!" She spat. "Bye Felicia" I give a mock wave and turn back to the window. Closing my eyes I block out everything. And I fall

I'm aware that everyone is waiting for an answer. "Oh yeah. I'm fine."

Kellins POV

I'm not convinced by Kays answer but I drop it. I was about to speak but someone interrupts me. "Baby girl you're awake!" My heart shatters when I turn around. "and where have you been?"

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