Cream-filled Sponge Cake (Leo)

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A Leo One-Shot Requested by Robynfeather!

Not gonna lie, I wanted to make his a Modern Setting, but I decided against it. Gonna keep it in the Original Setting here.


For Followers of Mine who have taken notice of the fact that I haven't been Updating as much as I usually do, I do have explanations.

I'm going to be starting GED Classes on the 4th of October. These Classes are gonna happen on Mondays and Wednesdays every single week, and I'm currently busting my ass to study for the Orientation Class that's happening on the 4th. I got notified that this was happening about a Month ago.

I'm also studying for my Driver's Permit so I can get my Driver's License by my Birthday next year. I'm gonna be going to take the Test next Monday or Tuesday, so I've been trying to cram my head with all the shit I need to pass the Test, so please bear with me if this Chapter seems rushed or sloppy. My Head feels like it's splitting in multiple places due to staring at a Computer Screen for 8 Hours straight.

I'm still working on Improving my Drawing Skills for my Future as an Animator/Digital Artist.... *Sigh*. What one will do for their dreams...

So yeah. Recently, I feel like all I'm giving to you guys instead of the Stories you came to me for is just excuses and excuses that I'm pouring out of thin fucking air. So... I'm really... REALLY Sorry.

Enough Poor Excuses. Onward to the One-Shot.


Leo was the Definition of a 'Bookworm'. He was never one to engage in Playing, Crafting Sand Castles, or participating in Snowball Fights. He always observed from the Sidelines with Little to No Words, always Spoke only when Spoken to, and he was always the child that hid away in the Corners of Dusty Libraries, with only Aged Tomes and the Scent of Dusty Books to accompany him.

This current Situation was no different.

His Brothers, Xander and Corrin, and his Sisters, Elise and Camilla, were all currently doting over Corrin like they usually did, and they took him outside to see the Freshly Fallen Snow, which was mainly Elise's Idea.

Leo didn't go with them. He liked the Snow... But he didn't like being in the Snow. Just observing the Snow was content enough for him.

Just Observe... That was all Leo ever did. He only ever observed.

Sighing in disgust towards himself, Leo frowned and turned back towards the Heavy Book that was laid out on the Table in front of him. The Gentle Crackling of the Fireplace on the Other Side of the Room was all that was to be heard, along with the Occasional turning of Pages as the Warmth of the Fire was spread throughout the entire room. Leo's Platinum Blonde Eyebrows were furrowed together as his Pastel Purple Eyes scurried back and forth, taking in the words across the Paper in front of him quickly and effectively.

The Tiniest of Knocks echoed from the other side of the Door.

Turning his strained eyes towards the door, he raised a curious Eyebrow.

"You may enter."

The Door slowly creaked open, and the (H/c) Head of (Y/n), the Servant Girl who was just a few years younger than Leo quietly and slowly walked in with a Large, Silver Platter in her Hands that looked two times her size. The Platter was filled with a Large Pot of Tea that was accompanied with matching Teacups and Spoons, a Plate of Plain, Sugar-dusted Cookies, and another Plate that had a Cream-filled Slice of Sponge Cake on it.

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