||His Story|part 1||

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            Welp, it's me the author. Yah, I know I don't seem as energetic as usual, and that's because I've been stuggling with emotional problems. No, not abuse, bullying, or anything like that. It's because my mom, she has had depression ever since her mom died, and it's almost her mom's birthday, and she's getting worse. It puts an emotional toll on me because I love her so much. Well, let's stop talking about me and start talking about you. Well, here is your story ^-^


            I didn't grow up with the love that a child is suppost to have. I grew up in a wealthy family, my dad, who worked in the government never had time for me. Don't get me wrong he loved me... in his own way, but he loved his work more. My mom, who owns a very popular business, lived in Korea for most of my childhood, which I lived nowhere near. When I first met her I asked her who she was, so that pretty much means I had no parental figures. I did have a maid who was the nicest lady, but later I found out she just wanted my dad's money, and that broke my heart.... but it's not like it hasn't happened before.
            It was the first day of middle school, well technically it was my first day of school since I was homeschooled throughout grades k to 7. Moving on, it was my first day, and I was nervous as hell. I mean who wouldn't be it was the middle of the year and I would have introduce myself to everyone and that was terrifying. I went to my first period class and stood outside, after the bell rang the teacher walked into the classroom and said I could come in. I walk in and everyone was staring at me.
           I looked around the class and heard a couple girls whisper to each other "Oooh he's cute". This made me even more nervous. The teacher turned to me and said "Go ahead and introduce yourself." she smiled at me. "Uh-um... My Name is (L/N)(Y/N), but you can just call me (Y/N)." I said with a forced smile. The classroom was bursting with whispers. "Is he the son of (L/N) (Father's name)" "He must be rich" "He's probably a bratty rich kid" "I already hate him". I was about to cry, but I successfully held myself back. I can already tell 8th grade is going to be so fun.
             It's the second day of school, and I'm determined to make friends. I walk into my first period class and sit down. I looked back at the door after putting my stuff down and notice two boys walk in. "Uhm, hi." I started to shake and my words were soft and barely noticable.
             "Uh, hey." One with golden locks said. "Wait, you're that rich kid right? (Y/N)?" The other one said. Did he already forget about me? That's embarrassing. "Stupid, of course he is! He introduced himself yesterday!" The other one said, this on had brown hair. "Sorry about my dumb friend. He's always like this. Oh, yeah I almost forgot you asked us a question?" He asked. Actually I didn't, but I was going to. "Uh, yah." I said softly. "So what is it." The blonde on said. "Do y-you guys w-want to be my friends?" I looked away from them, tapping my foot on the ground to stay calm. I looked back at them. "Hmm." They looked at each other and smirked. "Sure." They say with an evil looking smirks on their faces. That's weird, but I shouldn't judge them.
             I didn't notice anything wrong until the our third semester. Then I noticed some repetitive behavior. For example they would constantly ask me if I had some money they could borrow. They would never pay me back. I also noticed that whenever we would hang out they would make me pay for everything. I think they are using me. N-no, that can't be. They are my best friends, they would never. No, they are my only friends. But if that's true why do I doubt myself. I shouldn't make big deal about it. I lay my head down on my silky pillow. I close the (F/C) canapee (is that what you call it?). I feel my troubles flee my body as I peacefully fall asleep.
             My 'friends' are continuing the same behavior as before. Today I'm going to say something about it!
             I walk to my first hour classroom and hope they are already in there. I walk into the classroom and see them sitting in their seats, which are right next to each other.
            "Speak of the devil, there he is." Brian said (The blonde one). "Hey, do you think we can borrow some money. Alex (Brown haired one) and I would like to go to the amusement park with some of the girls from our second hour class." Brian said. "I mean you're rich aren't you. This shouldn't be a problem right. You have so much money already." Alex said with a smirk on his face. "I would actually like to talk about something" I said while tapping my foot. I tend to do that when I'm nervous. "Yeah what is it." Alex said while chewing gum. "Um, do you guys actually like me?"

-Sorry this chapter is so short. It's because I'm writing another chapter today, and your story wouldn't be able to fit in one chapter. Sooo yeah. I ♡ You.

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