||Who are you?||

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             I look around as I walk up to the receptionist. Everything is white, well not everything, but mostly. It was very clean, I like it. I stop and look forward, I was standing right in front of the desk area thing, whatever they call it. I'm just glad I didn't run into it.
             The receptionist is writing something down in a notebook, and papers were everywhere. It was basically the only messy thing there was here. I cough a little to make her look at me. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there-" (the dash is there to make it seem like she said there slowly) she adverts her eyes from my face, and looked at the ground. "Excuse me, you are being rather rude." I say in a monotone voice. "I'm s-sorry, sir!" She apologizes.
             This is how my life is I hide myself from people, masking myself with an emotionless personality. People are afraid of me because I have a rather tall, and muscular build, and by tall I mean really tall. (6'6") I'm a rather odd sight in Korea, if I'm honest, and people are scared of that. It's for the better because if I'm like this no one with bother me.
             "Nevermind, I'm here for a job interview." I say. "Okay, may I ask your name?" She asks and puts a fake smile on, she's good at it, but I can see through it. "(L/N) (F/N), and don't show me a smile unless it's genuine." She stands up quickly. What the hell is wrong with her "Um, uh. Oh, my. I'm going to be in big trouble. Please follow me, sir." She says and starts walking down a hallway. I start walking behind her. But, like seriously what the hell is wrong with her.
             We come upon a white door, and she stops and turns around to me "Please don't tell him about earlier!" She quickly walks away, her heels loudly tapping against the floor. I open the door and shut it behind me. There is an old man sitting in a rolling chair. He shot out of his seat and sped towards me. I didn't  know what to do, I just stood there. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed tightly. What the fuck? He looks at me with sparkling eyes. "I haven't seen you in so long! You were a baby when I last saw you." He said and tightly hugged me again. "Um, do I know you?" I asked while questioning reality and why I said yes to this. "I'm your mother's boyfriend!" My eyes went wide. "What? My mom never told me about this!" I said. I'm actually kind of angry. I thought my mom told me everything. Can I not trust her either.
              "Well, we were going to tell you, but I thought it would be better now!"
              "Um, what?" I'm so confused right now.
              "Well, you're going to be working for me, so I thought it would be better to tell you now."
              "My mom hasn't told me this for years! This is important! I've been lied to for that long!" Why mom? Why didn't you tell me this? "Your mom said you probably wouldn't like me. Well, actually your mom said you don't like anyone..." He said. The warmth of my mother's love decreased. She talks about me behind my back? "Don't get to beaten up over this. I think this would be the perfect job for you. You get to be around boys your age maybe you could be friends." He smiled.
             "I don't need your concern nor do I need friends. I need money, and that is all." I said honestly. "Well, you'll get that, too. Let me just tell you the details of the job. You'll be taking care of seven male idols. You'll be living with them, it's a new thing we made because it's easier for you to manage them, I guess. You'll kind of be like their father in a way." He said. This man is too happy. I don't like it. "How much do I get paid?" This is all that matters. I need money to live. "Ten million ₩ a month" (around $9,000 a month) My eyes widen. "Deal." I say in an instant. He raised his eyebrows. "Well, okay then. You will be moving in with them, around....seven p.m. . I'll send you the address. "Of course." I say going back to my normal expressionless face. "Oh, and be sure to smile once in a while. They'll be sad if you don't." I look back and nod. Knowing I just told a lie. I won't smile for anyone except mom, but right now mom doesn't even deserve to see me smile.
             I suddenly don't feel hungry anymore. The news about my mom and him dating her for years, and I didn't know made me feel sick. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket.... It was my mom. I hung up immediately, I want her to know I'm angry. I put my phone on mute, most likely she'll keep calling. I'll call her tomorrow....maybe. I walk towards my car and unlock the car with my keys. I open the door and turn the car on. I'm moving in with them? Whatever it can't be that bad. I drove home.
             I guess it's time to pack. I don't have much stuff I guess I'll just pack necessities. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush, hairbrush, straightener, hairdryer, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner, along with some face products. Now it's time for my closet, oh god. I grabbed ALL of my clothes and put them in 2 suitcases. So far I have a big purse filled with bathroom necessities and two suitcases with clothing. I grab my glasses and some things that were on my nightstand. Okay I think I'm done. I let out a sigh of relief. Let's see...Yah, not really any good or bad memories here. I check the time on the clock next to my bed "5:30 P.M." My god time flies fast. It feels like just a second ago it was two. I'm not really ready to take care of seven idols, I can't even take care of myself. I bet their just bratty child like men. I sigh and repeat the same thing I did before I walked into BigHit in my head. Do not let them in. Do not let them in. The are humans, pests. They are below you. They are selfish and rude. They are greedy and.....I sigh once more. I locked my heart up for a reason. I will not let what happened last time happen again. Never...I saw my screen light up and hope it's not my mom, I grabbed it. Thankfully it wasn't my mom, but something odd there was a call from an unknown number. I accepted thinking it might be my boss telling me where the house is. "Hey, you could of texted me, it would have been easier." I say, but I didn't say it sarcastically it was more like a statement. "Um, hey you're (L/N) (Y/N)-hyung, our new manager?" I hear through the phone. That's not my mom's boyfriend. "Oh, I thought you were someone else. Who are you?" I asked. "O-oh, my names Jimin. I'm one of the boys you will be taking care of." He said softly. He sounds nervous. Well who wouldn't be I'm going to be living with him for a long time. "Uh, I'll just text you the address!" He said suddenly. Um, that was weird. WAIT! I thought my boss was going to text me the info. Whatever.

On the Other Side of the Phone

             "JIMIN-HYUNG! Oh my god! You totally messed it up! Now he's gonna think we're weirdos!" Taehyung said like the world was going to end. "I hope he's nice" Jungkook said while smiling. "Actually, I'm sorry to say this, but the big man called me and made it sound like our new manager doesn't like people at all, and that he has his reasons if he is... uninviting." Jin said softly while sighing. "I hope he isn't as bad as he sounds." Jin adds. "Sounds like the perfect manager to me, maybe he'll leave me alone." Yoongi spoke up. "It speaks!" J-hope said putting his hands on his face, and acted suprised. "Whatever"


-I am sooo hyped to right this story. I ♡ You

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