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-You know what the best thing inm the world is.....TINY ASIAN CHILDREN...so adorable. I have this one asian dude in my class and he is like 4'9" and I WANT TO SQUEEZE HIM so much. I have done it once...and I will do it again. Another thing is I ATE SPICY FRIES AT CHINA AND NOW MY FARTS SMELL LIKE HOTDOGS HELP PLZ I THINK  I'M DYING

    I can't breath. My eyes open wide, as I look down at a sleeping figure on my stomach. "Oh god, Tae, I can't  breath." He was asleep on top of me. His arms moved around my neck, as he rubbed his cheek against mine. Help.
    I hear the door open, and a man with blonde hair and a wide smile with dimples appears. This is my chance to get help. "Breakfast is read-" His eyes widen when he looks at Tae on top of me. "I'm so sorry to interrupt!" He quickly shuts the door. No, why? Who will help me now? Wait I know someone that might help me "YOONGI!" I scream the blue haired man's name. Hopefully he will help.
     The door opens slowly. "What?" He walks into the room. "Help, please..." He looks at Tae on top of me. "Not my problem." He says and walks out the door. I should of saw that coming.
       I hear the door open again and Jin peaks in and says "Need some help?" Oh thank god someone useful. "Yes please." Tears of cry practically come pouring down my face.
       He walks up to us and shakes Tae "Tae-tae wake up, you have practice." He smiles gently. "That's not goin-" Tae sits up and yawns. "What the fuck, how did you do that?" I ask and stare at Jin. "All I did was shake him." He smiles at me. "Taehyung-ah, you have practice today, get off!" I say and Taehyung's eyes widen and he jumps off my bed and hurriedly starts putting some athletic clothes on. "Don't forget to eat." Jin says before Tae rushes out of the bedroom.
     I get out of bed and scratch my head yawning. "I can finally breath..." I say in a hushed tone. "I'm glad." Jin says. "Come down and eat when you can." He says and walks out the door.
     I grab a black hoodie and some somewhat tight-fitting sweatpants putting them on. The black hoodie had the logo Supreme on it. (I'm sorry I had too) I slip on some white slippers and head downstairs.
     I walk to the kitchen and sit down on one of the stools next to the counter. "I thought I told you to stay away from glass." I say. Jin turns around and walks towards the other side of the counter with a plate of rice and and an egg on top. "Well, you know you weren't awake and they were hungry, and god knows I'm not letting Namjoon-ah cook. Anyways, coffee?" He says and sets the plate infront of me along with a fork. "Do you have any tea?" I say as I gently poke the egg with my fork, letting to yolk pour over the rice. "Jasmine or  Oolong?" Jin says and grabs two boxes of tea packets out of a cupboard. "Oolong, please." (Oolong tea is from China, I like it) He boils some water in a teapot and Takes a packet out, setting it in a cup. "(Y/N)-hyung?" I look up from my plate which was now half empty. "Mhm," I respond as he walks over to me. "Do you resent us?" I choke on the rice I had just scooped into my mouth. "Um, should I?" He looks surprised, like he wasn't expecting the answer I gave him. "It just seems like you'd rather be anywhere, but here..." I finish off my food before replying with "Honestly, your right-" He flinches. "but it's not just you guys... I'd rather not be around anyone. I don't really like people." He looks at me confused. "Why?" I get up and grab my plate putting it in the sink. "I have my reasons, and I rather not tell them to you." Jin nods.
      As if on cue the teapot starts whistling, and Jin turns off the stove and pours me my tea. "Here, I'll be upstairs recording a V-live if you need me," and with that he gives me my tea and walks up the stairs. I take a sip of my tea and walk over to the couch.
     I flop on the couch and turn on the t.v.

Jin's POV

     I sit down on my bed and turn on the V-live almost instantly over a hundred comments were flowing in. Some were asking about (Y/N)-hyung, and others were asking for me to feed them again. One comment stood out, it said  'Can you please show us (Y/N)-nim<3.' Maybe I should show them
(Y/N)-hyung, but I don't know what he would say, if he even would say anything. I'll give it a chance though. "(Y/N)-HYUNG! COME HERE!" I yell. I here footsteps speeding towards my room. "Jin, are you alright! Did someth-oh..." He walks over to me and looks over my shoulder.

Back to You

     I look over Jin's shoulder and read all the comments on the screen.

'Awww he was worried about him~'

'So handsome'

'The ship is being born'

'Omg they're so close'

'Knight in shining armor XD'

'^-^ Hi there (Y/N)-nim'

     They were all directed towards me, which is kinda of..... embarassing? "This is (Y/N)-nim! Say hi!" I sit on Jin's  bed close to him so I can see the screen. "Yo, my names (L/N) (Y/N) and I am 28 years old." I say. I wonder why Jin changed his use of honorifics a second ago.
     Jin leans his head on my shoulder and hugs me. I'm guessing it's just for show, so I'll go along with it. I wrap my arm around his side and show a smile to the camera. "And no you can't have him he's mine!" Jin says to the camera and chuckles. Why is he like this I can feel my cheeks get warmer because of him, and why would he say something so...suggestive?
     I avoid thinking about it and notice people spamming the comments with ship names. Oh my god what was he thinking? Is he trying to get me in trouble?
     I sigh and look down at Jin, who was already looking at me, his cheeks red and a wide smile painted across his face. I can feel my own cheeks getting red. "Hyung, why are you going red?" He smirks.
     I just want to curl up in a ball and die. By now all the people watching this probably thing we're fucking. Why does it have to be like this?

-Again I half-assed a chapter because I'm tired and It's like 12 a.m. and I'm a dumbass that only updates at night, so yeah bye.........


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