||His Story|part 2||

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             They stared at me confused. "Where did this come from?" Brian said. "Well, you seem to just want me for my money." I said tapping my foot quicker than before. I heard a sigh come from Alex continued by him saying "Well, I guess we were bound to be caught sooner or later, but I didn't think it would take this long." I looked at them. My hands that were once playing with each other, had fallen to my sides. "What?" I mumbled. "You heard him. You were right. We are using you for your money." Brian said and leaned his head on his hand, with a face that didn't express any emotion. "B-but, that's not fair." My foot stopped tapping against the floor, and the room fell silent, and the air grew thick (like my dick). I heard another sigh from Alex "Life isn't fair you should know that, (Y/N)." I felt empty on the inside, and emptiness quickly turned to rage. "It was fun playing with y-" I punched Brian before he could finish. He just stood there suprised, holding his bleeding nose.
             I clenched my fists just looking at his disgusting face made me angry. "You know what's not fair!" I kicked him in his gut, making him fall to the ground. "Having a father that cares about his work more than you, having a mother that you barely know!" At this point I was blinded by rage. Pushing him to the ground. Tears pouring down my face as I keep punching him. "HAVING  NO ONE THAT LOVES YOU! HAVING NO ONE THAT CARES FOR YOU!" My hatred growing as I started to scream.
             Alex grabbed the back of my shirt and tried to pull me off of Brian. "FUCK OFF YOU UGLY SWINE!" I elbowed him in the gut and he fell to the floor. "YOUR FUCKING CRAZY!" He yelled, and I turned and spat at him "Guess who made me like this... yeah that's what I fucking thought." He stumbled trying while to get up. He ran out the door, while holding his stomach. I looked back at Brian, who face was so beat up it didn't look like a face anymore. Blood gushing out of his nose and mouth. I through another hard punch at his nose and heard a crack. I broke it. Maybe he'll understand how much pain I'm going through now.
             I lean down towards him. We we're nose to nose. "Tell me what's not fair, Brain." I said he stared into my eyes, his body still. "Don't be nervous you can say it." I said, and put my hand on his cheek caressing. His face drenched with blood and tears. "L-life," more tears poured from his eyes. "That's damn fucking right bitch" I spit at him, and dragged my hand down his chest leaving a trail of blood. "To bad you perfect face had to be destroyed." I said and stood up looking down at him, it was a disgusting scene. Blood was everywhere, his nose bent from me breaking it, his lip and cheek were busted. It looked like a murder happened, but I assure you he was not dead.
             The rage that had blinded me is now gone and I realized what I had just done. I look at my hands, which were covered in blood, and I began to feel weak and dizzy. I fell to the ground. Weak and unable to get up I just laid there waiting for what the future had to hold. My eyes started to close and I didn't fight it. I darkness surrounded me.
            My eyes fluttered open, and I looked around...everything was white. "Where am I?" I said to myself. "You're at a hospital." I heard someone say. I know that voice.... it was my fathers. All emotion fled my body as I look at him.
             "D-dad?" I haven't seen or talked to him in a while. He's always in his office working. "Yes, it's me." He says in a monotone voice. "Oh." I said and look down. I hate him. I hate him so much. "Look at me. Stop being a coward!" He yelled. I flinched. He's going to hit me isn't he. I look at him, his hand was raised. His hand stayed still. He sighed and let his hand fall to his side. "I am, so disappointed in you." I looked down. "You have damaged our family name. You have down what can not be undone." He says. My eyes begin to water.
             "I have decided that you will move in with someone that can teach you how to behave." He says and stands up. "What?" I'm leaving my house, but who does my dad know that can help me? "You will be sent to Korea to live with your mother." "What!?" I say loudly. "Don't raise your voice at me child! You have no right to disagree with me after something so horrendous!" He yells at me. "I'm sorry" I say. A lone tear fell down my face. "There is no going back, son. Pack your things you are leaving tomorrow. The nurses will escort you, and don't go saying, but I'm in the hospital. You only fainted." Right after he left two nurses came in and handed me my clothes. "Here sir, please get changed quickly. I don't want to get in trouble with your father." She said politely. "He is NOT my father." I raised my voice at her, but I didn't mean to scare her. "I-I'm s-so sorry s-sir, b-but ple-ease get changed." She quickly let the room along with the other nurse. So much for escorting me. I put my clothes on and head towards the door. I hesitated before pushing the door of the hospital open. Please tell me this is a dream. I push the door open.
            After a year in Korea I decided it was easier just to give up on friendship. Give up on having emotions at all. So, I removed everyone who had any relationship with me in general. I broke people's hearts. I killed my own happiness in the process. I don't need happiness I don't need emotions, they are unnecessary and bothersome. I finished my school life in Korea and moved on to college. I passed through college with flying colors, and graduated number one in all my classes. Without emotions life is easier. Nothing and no one matters to me anymore. I will live by that motto for the rest of my life, and live in peace.

-next chapter we are getting to the real stories. I am sorry if this chapter is a little rushed it's just...I was so excited to get to the real story! I ♡ you

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