Profile (you, important)

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-Did you know Suga is shorter than Jimin now or same height, Jimin is still young so he grew lol, poor Suga so smol Jungkook now Jimin lol the picture above is proof, but they didn't update Jimin's height on the internet, gotta put 2017, in the billboard awards they had the same shoes so try me.

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Height: 6'6" (because why not)

Blood Type: AB ( \(0-0)/ doesn't matter)

Weight: 210 lbs (your tall, chill)

Age: 27

Ethnicity: 50% White/Whatever you are, 25% Korean, 25% Chinese

Sexuality: Bi-sexual (men more than women, because women cause more drama and are complicated  drama)

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Hot-headed, caring, no sense of humor (other than dry humor)

Likes: being alone, his mom, his phone, instant ramen, gray, sleeping, tea

Dislikes: being ignored, his dad, onions, late replies, mornings, coffee

Disorders: Depression (Endorphin Deficiency/ lack of chemicals that make you happy), something similar to PTSD

Hobbys: Ignoring people, taking care of the boys, reading, drawing

Occupation: Manager

Fun Fact: You lack positive emotions other than lust and love, you don't trust others so you rarely fall in love, he is not a virgin (he got raped at a party, poor boy, resulted in PTSD)

~Wanted to make this because it's more information on you and your problems, and why I gave you some emotions, I feel bad for making your life so horrible, I'm sorry child ;-; I love you I promise

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