Chapter Seven

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Science class, S.s and then Physical Ed. were the same as every class. Most boreing and some a little more fun. When the lunch bell rang I walked by the guy's gym and saw Kyle playing basketball, all alone. He was running, jumping and almost getting every shot into the basket. I walked in, being silent with my high heels and watched him. 

When he scored, I clapped. He turned and saw me, throwing the ball to me. I caught it and held onto it, walking towards a basket "Your really good"

"How long were you standing there?" he asked turning me around to face a basket.

"Long enough" I laughed.

He put the ball in my hands and held my hands up in the air, wrapping his hands around mine. Then he threw the basketball up in the air and it went into the basket. I leaned back and looked at him, he ran away and grabbed the ball "Come on...Lets play some one on one" 

"Um no thanks...maybe another time" I said.

"You chicken...Chicken Chicken" he teased.

I ran and grabbed the ball from him, running to the other basket. Just as I was about to shot, he came up behind me and picked me up in his arms. He spun around, trying to make me dizzy so I couldn't shot. When he put me down, I lost balance and fell into him again "Wow I've got you..." 

"The world is spinning" I said pointing to the door thinking it was a basket.

"The basket is over here" he said leading me into the closet and closing the door, laughing.

"Hey Kyle..There's no basket this is a closet. Open the door" I said hitting the door.

"Say the word" he teased.

"What word?" I asked.

"Yes...that you will come to the dance with me" he replied leaning againsted the door.

"Fine....Yes I'll go" I said rolling my eyes in the dark closet "Now open the door before I tell your secret" 

He opened the door and grabbed the ball "What secret?"

"That the playboy Kyle is finally in love with someone, really in love" I teased and smiled at him.

"How did you know that?" he said pushing me up againsted the wall.

"I know the girl very well" I answered with a grin on my face.

"Then maybe you could ask her if she loves me too" he replied with a serious look.

"I think she does...she's just not sure" I replied moving a piece of hair out of my eye.

"Come on..Let's go to the beach. Mr. Payne needs to work on the play with the others, so we have 2 hours to chill" he said handing his hand to me. I took his hand and we walked out of the gym and down to the beach. This time I pushed him in before he could push me in the water. He took off his shirt and threw it into the sand. I laughed and splashed water at him, he shivered "Wow cold" 

Then he ran at me, knocking me over into the water. I took my sweater off, so I could wear my short sleeve shirt instead of a long sleeve thick sweater. Kyle then dived into the water and swam far away, further than the red ball floating in the water attached to a string "Kyle you can't swim that far!"

"I'm fine...calm down!" he shouted back. As I shock my head watching him, he pretended to get pulled down by something. I screamed and swam to him, once I got there he had disappeared. I screamed his name and looked around above the water and under "KYLE!"

Suddenly I was pulled down under the water. When I surviced Kyle was laughing and splashing water at me "Your such a baby"

"You scared me half to death you idiot. I thought you were being attacked by something. Don't do that" I replied.

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