Chapter 1: I Hate Cats!

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Hello my beautiful readers and welcome to my…err…thrilling fiasco!

My name is Katherine Miles. I'm an eighteen year-old brunette with brown hair, brown eyes and an affinity for over exaggerating things. I am told to have been a bit of a psychopath and extremely imaginative. Apparently I'm a tad violent as well with my colourful vocabulary, gory threats and my hot-headedness, but I can be passive and calm while reading and drawing.

Oh, and don't listen to my friends when they says I'm insane. I am absolutely normal.

Anyway, enough about me, you're here to listen to my story, not hear me blabber on about the boring stuff, and since I'm such a nice person, I'm going to skip all the history bits and go right to the exciting part.

This is where the fun begins.

It was an ordinary morning for me. Work in an hour, washing to be done, breakfast to be made, and my best friend hitting me in the head with a pillow, screaming at me to get up.


"But I don't want to die," I mumbled, burying my face in the covers.

"You won't have a choice if Mrs Wendy finds you late!" chirped Samantha from the kitchen.

I groaned and pulled off the covers, slinging my legs out of my bed and onto the carpet.

Note that I am not a morning person.

I stumbled lazily into the dining room, tired as Hell and extremely pissed. That's just what happens when I wake up at six o'clock in the morning. Samantha looked up at me innocently from the table, toast in hands and grinned at my 'awakened beast' kind of look. Being me, I distracted her and snatched her toast away, nibbling on it as she blinked, surprised.

"Kat, I do not need you and Sam burning down the house over some toast," Tanith scoffed.

With that, she took the rest of my breakfast from my hands and wolfed it down in one bite. Now it was my turn to glare at her.

"I don't need you taking my brekky either!" I exclaimed.

"Actually," said Tanith. "It was Sam's breakfast."

"Well we don't need you taking Sam's breakfast," I scowled.

"I'm fine with it," Sam grinned.

These two were plotting against me all the time. It might've been that I was always making fun of them, or it might've been because that's just what friends do. Whatever the reason, I was always the victim.

"You guys don't have any respect for me," I stated, grabbing some cereal and milk. "After all, I'm the eldest."

A blob of porridge made its way to my forehead, hitting accurately and gently dribbling down my nose, leaving a trail of sticky goo. At this, Samantha covered a hand over her mouth in a miserable attempt to hide her giggles while Tanith was almost peeing herself in her laughing fit.

See what I mean?

I would like to say I had gotten up calmly and dealt Tanith a good scolding in absolute maturity, but it's more like I shot up angrily, grabbed my cornflakes and slammed them onto her head, the bowl acting kind of like a hat with cornflakes and milk dripping down.

"Uh oh…" Sam mumbled, ducking under the table.

I smirked triumphantly and crossed my arms, looking down at the younger brunette. A small smile escaped her lips and she licked the milk around her mouth.

Goodbye Sanity, Hello Akatsuki [On Hold]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora