Chapter 5: You just got BURNED

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Dedicating this chapter to killingcupcakeFMA:3


Chapter Five: You just got BURNED


You can imagine that it was quite a shock to me when I found out that the kittens that I had adopted were a group of criminals that were actuallyhumans. Not only that, but all the weird objects we had found in the house belonged to them (Hidan had ever-so-rudely ripped his pendent off my neck which I no longer like).

Worst of all, Tanith and Sam had left me with eight arrogant, naked men and only one other girl who knew how to handle them. While my 'friends' were gone, I learnt all of the Akatsuki's names. In summary, Kakuzu, Zetsu and Pein scared me a bit; Deidara, Hidan and Tobi were idiots while the rest just fitted into their own category. I wasn't too worried about Tanith and Samantha taking too long because Sam was something of a clothes genius and would know someone's sizes just by looking at them.

It freaked me out.

I figured it would take them about half an hour to return so all I had to do was wait.

"Hey bitch! Get us some food!"

This was going to be a long thirty minutes.

"Get it yourself, Snowdrop," I scowled, throwing my riding boots at Hidan.

"MY NAME ISN'T SNOWDROP!" he snarled, catching them.

"Aww, that's sweet. You think I care."

Hidan went on ranting about how I was a bitch and how 'Jashin-Sama' would be pleased if I was sacrificed. I was going to kill Tanith. I was going to rip out her brains, put them in a blender with some parsley and feed it to Zetsu (who, it turns out, is a cannibal) on a silver platter. I did not appreciate being alone with nine strangers in my house, eight of them mostly naked and male.

"Get us some food, un," said Deidara.

"I told you idiots to get it yourselves, Lemon," I growled.

"We don't cook, un," he seethed.

"Well then you'll starve to death, won't you?" I retorted, glaring at him.

Hence, a glaring contest started between us. I didn't like Deidara. He was an arrogant son of a bitch, as was Hidan. The only ones I liked remotely so far were Kisame, Itachi and Konan.

Suddenly, Tanith burst through the door. "I'M HOME EVERYBODY! BOW DOWN TO MY FEET!" and tripped over the step.

I facepalmed. Why did I live with her? I don't remember my doctor instructing me to have a daily dose of psycho. Sam came in, holding all of the bags (because Tanith is lazy) and almost fainted again seeing the almost-naked dudes in the room. She quickly handed me the stuff before dashing for her room.

I looked in the bags and handed each one to who I thought they belonged to. Sam was too nice. She should've given Hidan or Deidara a bright pink shirt with 'Kate's bitch' scrawled across it. That would have been amusing.

"I MISSED YOU, KATY!" Tanith cried, glomping me. "I WAS STUCK WITH SAMANTHA FOR AGES-"

"-Half an hour."


"-Smart girl."

"-AND I stole a cat costume, see?" she held up a cat costume.

"That's very nice, Tan- YOU STOLE IT?" I exclaimed.

"Aren't you proud of me?"


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