Chapter 6: The Wrath of a Girl...GRRRRR!!!

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Just so you know, the sleeping arrangements in the Kat, Sam and Tanith household while the Akatsuki are there are:

Katherine's Room: Itachi and Kisame

Tanith's Room: Samantha and Konan

Sam's room: Pein only

Guest Room: Deidara and Tobi (REVENGE IS KATHERINE'S, BITCHES!)

Basement: Kakuzu and Zetsu


Chapter Six: The Wrath of a Girl...GRRRRR!!!


The Akatsuki had been here for a week and there had been numerous incidents involving Deidara, Hidan, Tanith and Katherine. Worst of all, the innocent ones –Tobi and I- would get caught in the crossfire. I was just about getting tired of it.

And if you didn't think that was bad, then Deidara still hadn't forgiven Kat for the coffee 'accident'. I swear she has the stubbornness of a mule and the pride of a lion when it comes to apologizing.

So now Katherine was forever trying to murder Hidan and Deidara, occasionally Tobi. Weren't the Akatsuki meant to be out guests, not enemies?

The sleeping arrangements were also left to be desired. I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth though, because I got to share a bed with Tanith (even if she does sleep-talk) while Katherine had to share with Itachi as Kisame slept on the air mattress. More than twice, Kat had rolled out of bed and next to Kisame, then woke up screaming because 'the boogie man had caught her' and quite a few times she had awoken hugging Itachi.

Kat was a hugger. If a snake slithered into bed she'd hug it. Even if Hidan crawled into her bed she'd hug him.

I feel sorry for Katherine for that reason. At least I was in a room with girls and not a hot emo assassin with red eyes and a humungo giant blue shark-man that slices people to shreds for a living.

I had to give her the cold shoulder though. She had pit Hidan, Tobi and Deidara in the same room and they were at each other's throats every day.

Today was no different.

Katherine was sitting on the loveseat next to Konan, reading a fantasy novel and Tanith was watching television with Kisame while the others were just doing whatever they wanted.


I glanced warily at Kat whose eye twitched, but kept on reading. Tanith glared at the direction from where their voices were coming from and told them to quiet down in her own special way.


This was going to end badly.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU IDIOTS!" Tanith yelled.

Deidara sprinted from the hallway, into the room followed by Hidan who, in turn, knocked over the TV.

Kate was twitching uncontrollably now. I'm afraid she's going to go mad by the time these guys go home.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU GUYS DO?" Tanith shrieked.

And then, Deidara made the worst possible mistake of his life. He stood behind Katherine, taunting Hidan by swinging the pendant in front of Kat's face. Hidan made a grab for his religious item and missed, instead grabbing Katherine's…erm…chest.

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