Chapter 12: Come to the Dark Side...We Have A-cat-tsukis' >:D

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Chapter Twelve: Come to the Dark Side...We Have A-cat-tsukis' >:D


I swear Tanith has been slipping drugs into my food.

When I had suggested we prank Eliza, it was like a whole new world had opened up to me. I had only seen the girl once in my life and I already hated her.

They say hate is a strong word and I don't recall that I ever hated someone until I had met Eliza. Sure, Tanith and Kate had told me about how much of a prick she was, but I thought they were just over exaggerating. They tend to do that a lot, you know. So when I did meet Eliza, I was quite surprized. It felt like part of me wanted to break out and rip her innards to shreds which was a bit of a new experience to me.

I may or may not have experienced what Kate and Tanith call 'the dark side'. I never even knew I had a dark side. Especially not an evil dark side, no. I bake home-made cookies for goodness sakes! I'm not expected to have a dark side! What kind of person makes sweets and has a dark side at the same time? That's right! NONE!

Nonetheless, Tanith and Katherine thought my plan was brilliantphenomenal, and above all, diabolical.

I had never really thought of myself as diabolical. Sweet, kind and caring, but diabolical? Psh, I hadn't even sworn in my life and I was eighteen, living with Tanith.

We arrived home a little later to find Pein and Konan, glaring at us irritably from on top of the table. Yes, on top of the table. They had become kittens as well and were probably quite frustrated having gone through the possibilities of how so. My guess is that it's a chain reaction. One Akatsuki member becomes a cat, the rest do also.

"Should we turn them back?" I asked.

"Sammy, we love you-" Kat started.

"-but there are some things in life that we shouldn't take for granted," said Tanith.

"Come on, don't be that way!" I pouted.

"Let us think about it…" the smaller female said.

"No," she and Kat said in unison.

"They are much less annoying this way," Katherine stated, grinning as she started for the office.

"And much more adorable," Tanith added, following her.

Pein glared at them, his tail flicking furiously in the air as he mewed indignantly. I shot him a sympathetic look and shrugged. I could do little to change their made-up minds.

"Oi, Sammy! Hurry up! We have some ebil planning to do! MWAHAHAH-"


"Yes, Kitty Kat?"

"Shut up."

I sweatdropped, hearing their conversation from the study. Really, I think they need therapy. The month they had at fourteen did them little or no good. If I remember rightly, their therapists were sent to the psychiatric ward after helping the two.

I entered the study to find Katherine writing (or more likely drawing) on a notepad whilst Tanith stared at the lava lamp, intrigued by its 'magic'. It's kind of funny, because we've had this lava lamp for three years now and it seems she only just noticed it.

I cleared my throat and they looked up at me, finally noticing my existence.

"Are we going to plan or what?" I asked.

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