Chapter three

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As soarin finally made it home to his dad's house he found a big white beat up car being toed out of their drive way and knew who it was at his house. As he walked in he saw his dad mark mcfly who had soarin's light blue skin, light green hair and eyes, and he also whore a light blue shirt with dark blue pants and shoes. As soarin's dad was standing infront of blueblood a guy who bullied his dad for years as he whore a black tuxedo with matching pants and shoes. Once his dad and blueblood finished talking blueblood started to walk off not before saying to soarin," What are you looking at butt head? And say hi to your mother for me", after he said this blueblood walked out of the door and left.

After blueblood left soarin looked disappointed as he looked at his dad and said," Dad what happened you promised you'd let me borrow the car and do you have any idea how much it meant to me?". As soarin's father looked at him sadly he said,"I'm sorry", and after that they had dinner along with soarin's older brother and sister flash and pinkie. And as they had dinner they were also waiting for soarin's uncle joey.

Until his mother(sky mcfly) who had cyan blue skin, with dark blue hair like soarin's, sky blue eyes, and dark blue pants, shirt, and shoes said he wasn't coming because he skipped purole again so they all had to eat his celebration cake by themselves. As his sister pinkie who talked to her mother and said,"What if I don't find a boyfriend?", "It's okay sweetie you'll find a boyfriend someday like me and your father". Once her mother said this pinkie scoffed and said, "As if that doesn't even count because granpa hit dad with his car!", as this conversation finished soarin quickly looked at his watch as he waited for the time with his meeting with dr.discord.

After dinner soarin went to sleep in his clothes until he heard the phone in his room ring, so he got up and answered it. Once soarin answered it seemed the person who called was dr.discord as he got up and lied about forgetting their meeting for tonight. So he hung up and road his skateboard infront of the mall where he would meet dr.discord and his dog spike. And once he got there he saw a van labeled on its side it said 'Dr.Discord Draconequus', after he saw that he walked over to the van and saw spike sitting down near the van so he went to go pet him. "Hey boy how's it going", soarin said as he pet spike until he heard a noise from the van and looked up and saw the back of the van opening.

Once the back of the van fully opened he saw a DeLorean backing out of it. And once the van made a complete stop, soarin went near the driver's window so the door opened revealing Dr. Discord who had dark gray hair, light gray skin, yellow and red eyes, a fang sticking out of his mouth, and he also whore a white lab coat with matching pants while he whore brown and green shoes and underneath his lab coat was a brown vest with yellow sleves. Once discord finally came out of the car soarin cheered happily and said,"Dr.d!", as discord turned around and hugged him and said,"Oh good you made it!". As they stopped hugging soarin asked, "Hey discord what is is all this"  as he pointed at the DeLorean, "Oh this is a new project I've been working on all my life! And all your questions will be answered soon, but right now I want you to video tape it all. Okay?", "Okay", soarin said as discord gave him the camera and started taping.

Sorry for the slow update and the short chapter but the rest of the story will progress later. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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