chapter nine

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After awhile of looking soarin finally made it to Dr.discord's house, and quickly ran up to the door and knocked on the door. But once the door opened soarin was quickly pulled in by discord who had some crazy invention on top of his head and started talking crazy saying,"Don't say anything, don't tell me your name, what your here for or anything". While soarin tried to talk to him he quickly stopped as discord connected him to wires from the invention on top of his head, "Now I'm going to read your mind", discord said as he prepared his invention. "You've come from a great distance- yeah!- quiet!, you want me to buy something, donate-" guessed discord as soarin also interrupted. Soarin quickly unhooked himself from the wires and said in an exhausted sigh," No... no... Doctor. D, I came here from tthe future in your time machine, and I need yoour help to get me back to the year 1985...".

Discord starred at him with utter disbelief and shook his head walking towards him whispering," Do you know what this means..., it means THIS STUPID MACHINE DOES'NT WORK!" the now shouting discord yelled as he threw the thing on his head in the trash, and stormed off. "Please Doctor. D, your the only one who knows how the time machine works", soarin begged as he followed him into the other room. While discord drank his chocolate milk, soarin was trying desperately to get discord to believe him, but all discord thought he was macking it up. Then soarin quickly pulled out his wallet showing his drivers license," Look Doctor. D, check out my date of birth, I'm not even born yet".

Then soarin pointed to a picture of him and his siblings," See Doctor. D look at the shirt my sister's wearing, class of 1984". Discord then crossed his arms and asked cockily," Then tell me 'future boy', who is president of equestria in 1985?". Without even having to think about it soarin answered with pride saying," Rony Region", discord starred at him with wide eyes, and then he said in a bit of laughter in his voice," The actor!, then who's vice-president chace lunar?". After discord finished laughing he then ran outside with his arms full of papers heading for his workshop and yelled to soarin (who was still following him)," Sorry kid but I gotta go, I have more experiments to do, so long 'future boy'".

Before soarin could say anything discord slammed the door in his face, but soarin was unfaced and yelled threw the door. "Doctor. D please, I know how you got that bruce on your head, and you said you hit your head on the sink from setting your clock up in the bathroom when you were standing on the toilet, and that's how you got the idea of something called the flux capacitor...which is what makes...time travel possible". There was a long silence from the door when soarin finished explaining, until discord opened the door starring at him with shock in his eyes and his mouth agape as it seemed discord finally believed him.

The next think soarin knew he and discord drove in discord's car looking for the delorean time machine. "Before I went to ponyville I left it here", explained soarin as they finally stopped at their destination, and soarin was already uncovering the delorean time machine. As discord shined his flashlight on the delorean he even admitted," After I hit my head I drew this",and with a paper he pulled out his pocket it showed the drawing of the flux capacitor.

Soarin nodded and opened the door of the delorean, once the door opened he flashed his flashlight on the flux capacitor. As discord flashed his light on the flux capacitor he then smiled, and soon that smile became a cheer as he yelled in excitement," It works, I finally made something that works", after his excited plea he pulled soarin  over and said in a serious voice (filled with realization and terror)," We gotta get you home!"...

Author's note
Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the rest to come. And who ever reads my other story 'Mlp's book of life', I'll be updating that one next so keep a look out.

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