Chapter six

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After an hour of walking soarin made his way through canterlot and was in the middle of the town and saw that everything looked different and the whole thing looked bizarre to him. And started looking for a news paper in a trash can and once he found one he looked at the date his eyes widened as the date said Nov. 5 1955. And ran in the nearest building and somehow ran in a dinner with only a few people eating, he quickly went to the corner of the dinner where a phone hung on the wall and opened up a large phone book that sat near the phone.

And quickly he searched out discord draconequus and started to dial the numbers, but after waiting for a long time  soarin hung up the phone and ripped out the page holding discord's address and number. After he did that he made a quick order for a Pepsi and unknowingly sat next to someone who looked a lot like him.

And with a loud boom the dinner door slammed open showing a group of mean looking teenage boys...

Author's note

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it's pretty short I ran out of ideas. But don't worry next time I'll make the next chapter a little longer, and that goes for the other story I published too.

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