Chapter five

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Once soarin zapped into 1955 he crashed through trees full of apples and pears. And the Delorean stopped once it crashed into a giant bolder and the delorean just so happened to crash near a apple/pear tree. And after it stopped a women with white hair, light green skin, and amber eyes ran from out the little house next to the barn. And following behind her was a young man with red hair, yellow skin, and green eyes, along with a young woman with carrot orange hair, light orange skin, and light teal blue eyes.

Once they got closer they looked at questionably until the car door opened. And as they watched intensely soarin got out the delorean (with his chemical suit and mask on), but once he did granny smith, bright mac, and pear butter started to scream in horror. When soarin started to walk closer the three of them ran for their lives running back into the house, while not knowing once they left soarin fell down his mak fell too revealing his face. He started to look at his surroundings more closely and once he did he cringed at how much damage he caused in his crash.

But then bright mac came running out with a loaded gun in his hands along with granny and pear butter as they ran along side him. And once bright mac got closer he started to shoot while yelling," Stay away from my family you pesky alien!", and as he shot soarin thankfully managed to get back into the delorean unharmed. And once he got in he started to drive as fast as he can to avoid the shots. Once he finally got away he hoped that what just happened was all a dream even though everything felt so real, as he came to a stop in the middle of know where he saw something really familiar.

And saw that it was the signs that said his neighborhood name which was named 'cloudsdale' and behind the signs he saw nothing but a dirt road and fields of green grass everywhere. And as he saw this he realized this was not a dream and everything happening was real! Until he saw a car passing by and quickly ran up to it before it could drive away and as he got closer to it he saw a married couple but before soarin could say anything they screamed and drove off as quickly as possible. And as they drove off soarin sighed and and went into the delorean and took out all the stuff he had in his pocket along with taking off his suit and set it in the car.

After that he closed the delorean's door and started to push the car into the bushes behind a billboard. And started walking into a new journey in ponyville, 1955.

Hey guys sorry it's been so long since I last updated, but now that school is out I can do a few new chapters along with the other stories I haven't did in a while. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I look forward to finally finishing these stories one day😁.

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