Chapter eight

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When soarin found out his his dad was gone he quickly looked out the window and saw him leaving on his bike. And once he did he quickly ran out of the diner and went after his dad, as soarin ran after mark he eventually lost him until he he found the bike in a neighborhood and found his dad hiding in a tree with binoculars looking into someone's window as he watched a girl change clothes. As soarin watched his dad he whispered in disbelief,"I can't believe it, he's a peeping tom".

Soarin quickly came out of his thoughts and gasped as his dad fell out of the tree and into the street as a car drove down the road getting closer to mark. "Dad!", soarin yelled as he quickly ran and pushed his dad out of the way of the car, but soarin ended up getting hit and was unconscious as  his dad got up and ran away like a wimp. While the man driving the car stopped immediately and ran out to see what happened to soarin, but after a few minutes the man yelled to his wife (in the house of the girl who was changing clothes)," Bella, another kid ran in front of the car again!"....

Soarin(eye are closed and conscious) was in a bed of a dark room with a dark figure,no lights except the street lights outside the window. As he moaned in pain from a head ache while the dark figure pulled out a warm wet rag and started to pat his forehead with it. Which made soarin open his eyes a little and whispered/groaned,"Mom is that you, I had this crazy nightmare about going back in time". "Relax and don't worry the nightmare's over and your back at good old 1955", the women/dark figure answered as she kept tapping his head with the warm rag until soarin's eyes popped wide open in shock as he stood up from the bed and said in disbelief/confused,"1955?".

At that moment the lamp on the night stand turned on showing a teenage girl with short curly dark blue hair,fair cyan blue skin, wide sky blue eyes as she sat on the bed next to him. All the while soarin rasped/studderd,"Your my... m-mo... mo-... your my mo-", it went on until the girl said quickly/shyly,"Hey my name is sky skies...". But soarin still rasped/gasped,"But you look so ho-...ho- and your so thin", while his mother said desperately trying to calm him down,"Please just relax everything is okay, besides you have to heal that big bruise on your head". Soarin quickly felt his head and sure enough there was a bump on his head, but soarin didn't listen to his mom and got from under the sheets but soon he quickly noticed he didn't have his pants on and threw the sheets back over his legs and asked in embarrassment,"Where are my pants?".

"There on the dresser over my music box,and I've never seen green underwear clips", sky answered with a calm/embarrassed look on her face as her cheeks turned to a light pink. Soarin looked at her curiously and ask," Why are you calling me clips?", "Isn't it, it says it on your name tag from your pants but what do they call you if it's not clips what do people call you", sky asked, "Clips is my nickname, but everyone calls me soarin", soarin explained. "Oh, pleased to meet you soarin", said sky with a smile until a women's voice was heared from down stairs,"Sky, are you upstairs?". "Oh no it's my mom, quickly soarin put your pants back on", sky said in panic as she got up, tossed soarin his pants, and frantically ran out of the room while soarin puts his pants on.

After soarin was done putting back on his pants he quickly went down stairs for dinner. As he received a warm welcome, while sky's father was setting up a tv and was still a little grumpy about the car incident earlier. But once dinner was ready and the tv was installed they ate dinner as they started to watch 'I love lucy', and as time progressed as they watched tv sky shyly said,"This is our first tv set and dad just got it today, but do you have a tv". "Yeah, two actually", answered soarin as he turned his head back to his mom until sky's little brother thunderlane  said amazed,"Wow, two tv's you must be rich or something". "Of course not thunderlane he's just pulling your leg, no one has two tv's", sky's mother explained as she ate her dinner.

Everything was quiet(except tv) until soarin reconized an episode of 'I love lucy' and explained  in excitement,"Oh I know this episode this is a classic where lucy and ethel work at a cherry factory". After soarin was done explaining the episode everyone just stared at him in disbelief as sky's little sister berry punch said,"That can't be right this episode just came out". "Oh well that's because I already watched the reruns", soarin said nervously hoping they bought it, and for a second everything was quiet until sky's mother(bella) started to ask a question,"Soarin do I know your mother from somewhere, because you look like someone familiar?", "Uh yeah you probably know her from somewhere", soarin answered as he was still a little nervous about earlier. "Do you mind if I call her so she's sure your okay?", bella said as she went on with the conversation, "I'm sorry but you can't call her, because no body's home and do you know where everfree forest dr. is", soarin answered/asked. "Oh okay, and it's on the other side of town", bella answered while her husband got up and handed soarin a map and stated,"Here kid just so you know exactly where your going". 

"Thanks", soarin said with a smile bout ready to get up when his mother cut in stating shyly (to her parents),"Don't you think soarin should stay for the night, I mean after all it's the least we can do since dad hit him with his car". "I think your right sky, and soarin I feel like your our responsibility so you can stay for tonight", bella agreed, "And he can sleep in my room", sky insisted with a wide grin as her hand went under the table and touched his leg making soarin jump up from his seat. "No it's alright and th-thanks for dinner, but I gotta go b-by", said soarin as he studderd and stumbled his way to the door leaving not hearing what his grandparents were saying about him,"He's  a very strange boy", bella said as she starred at the front door where soarin left while her husband(bob) satated while eating his food," He's an idiot, and she if you ever have a kid like that I'm disowning you".

And with that soarin went to go find Dr. Discord...

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