Chapter seven

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After the boys slammed through the door the tallest one yelled angrily,"Hey mcfly!". As the tall teenage boy yelled this soarin and another teenage boy about his age both turned around,and the boy that yelled was known other than a teenage blueblood. While soarin looked at him with utter disbelief, blueblood stomped over to the boy next to him that was known other than a teenage version of his dad mark mcfly.

"Hey mcfly, where's my homework!", blueblood said angrily as he held soarin's dad by his shirt. Once blueblood finally finished talking mark started to stutter out his answer," A... well blueblood... ya see since I thought it was due on monday...", then mark was quickly interrupted by blueblood as he nocked on his forehead and said," Think mcfly, do you relize what would happen if I gave them my homework in your hand writing I would probably get kicked out of school, and you wouldn't want that to happen would you mcfly". "No...", mark answered with a squeak in his voice, and the whole time soarin just stared at the whole thing until blueblood finally noticed he was staring and said," What are you lookin' at butt head".

"Yeah what are you starin' at kid", said one of blueblood's goons. Soarin said nothing and quickly turned his head away so not to draw anymore attention. "That's what I thought,"said blue blueblood as he then turned back around to mark, and once he did mark spoke calmly,"Don't worry blueblood I'll finish your homework tonight okay". "Alright that's just what I wanted to hear,and come on boys lets go I need to get to a hair stylist for my frizzing hair", blueblood said in a snobbish tone as he and his friends left.

Once blueblood and his friends left soarin just stared at mark with his mouth open and eyes wide in disbelief, while mark just sat there (eat a donut) not seeming to know soarin was even starring at him. Until mark finally got annoyed and turned around to soarin and asked sternly,"What do you want?", but soarin couldn't find his voice until he studderd,"Y-your mark m-mcfly?". But the conversation was quickly interrupted by a teenage girl with short wavy pink hair, tanish grey skin, and light blue eyes who was none other than mary who glared at mark saying,"Mark stop letting them pick on you start standing up for yourself, and do you realize if you keep letting blueblood walk over you he'll keep doing it for the rest of your life".

As mary finished talking mark and soarin starred at each other for a second until mary spoke again and said,"Mark look at me do you think I'll be working in this diner for the rest of my life, no and once I have enough money I'm going to night school and someday everyone in ponyville will know my name..."."Yeah that's right you'll be mayor of ponyville", soarin said as he just blurted about the future. After soarin said that mary smiled at the thought and said softly to herself,"Mayor, I could be mayor of ponyville", and with that mary walked off sighing dreamily. Until one of the workers known as garble said mockingly,"oh yeah little miss mary the first female mayor, that'll be the day and come on mary pick up a broom and sweep", after saying that garble shoved a broom in mary's hands and went back to work.

But once garble left mary whispered defiantly,"Yes I will be mayor someday", and with that mary started to sweep the floor. After soarin stopped starring at mary he turned back to mark but only to find he was already gone...

Author's note
Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the character mary is actually mayor mare.

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