Chapter four

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Warning: contains death so beware

As soarin started rolling discord started to say,"Good evening I'm doctor discord draconequus and I'm standing in the parking lot of the mall, it's Saturday morning, October 6 1985, 12am and this is experiment number one", discord finished he started to urge spike into the DeLorean. Once spike got in discord put his seat belt on and started to explain why he and spike had a clock necklace around their necks,"Please note that this small sized clock that spike's is in sink with mine got it", discord said as he looked at soarin as he said,"got it".

After that was settled discord closed the door of the DeLorean and started to work on the controller of the DeLorean. As he got it working he said,"Now watch this", as he went and worked the controls making the DeLorean backup and turn as discord and soarin moved to get a closer look, "Now once this thing goes into speed 80 it will go so fast it'll seem like it's flying", discord said as he started to work the controller again. As he worked his controller he was working the DeLorean up to speed for 80 he let the car drive towards them as it started to spark as it went faster it zoomed out of existence leaving a trail of flames between discord and soarin's legs.

As they started to process on what just happened with confused face discord started to smile and cheer while soarin was trying to figure out what just happened. "Oh man oh man, you just disintegrated spike", soarin panicked as discord started to explain,"Don't worry soarin I didn't disintegrate anything, the molecular structure of spike and the car are completely intact", as discord wrote everything down. "But where are they", soarin said as he worried about what happened to spike, "Oh but soarin the answer is when are they", said discord cheered happily, "And you see spike has just become the world's first time traveler and I sent him exactly one minute into the future", discord said as he cheered even more while soarin's mouth hung wide open in shock.

"Oh and I suggest you close your mouth before a fly walks in soarin", discord laughed as he quickly ran and explained more on what just happened with the time traveling DeLorean. "Wait a minute doc what are you talking about the DeLorean being a time machine", soarin said confused as he started to process on what just happened. "The way I see it soarin if your gonna build a time machine into a car then why not do it in style, and by the time it comes back it should be right now", discord said as he quickly looked at his watch with eyes growing wide he quickly grabbed soarin's rist and pulled him away before the car zoomed back into existence.

Once the car skidded to a stop they walked over to it after they recovered from their shock. And as they got closer they saw that the car was covered in ice but once they got closer to it it started to let out white smoke until it finally stopped as discord tried to open the DeLorean he wiped his hand back in pain. Soarin's eyes widened in worry and ask,"Doc you okay is it hot?", as discord cooled his hand he said,"No it's cold", but once his hand started to feel better he went to the car again but used his foot to open the door and successfully done it.

As discord finally got open the door he said happily,"Spikey your all right", and as he said this discord went over and hugs spike joyously. After that brief hug discord went over and looked at the clocks around their necks and said,"Yes, spike's clock is exactly one minute from mine and it's still ticking", discord said happily as he unbuckled spike's seat belt.Once discord undid his seat belt, spike ran off into the truck while soarin had an expression of amazement on his face and said,"He's fine", and as soarin recovered from his shock discord went over to him and said,"Oh coarse soarin and spike has no idea what happened and as far as we know his trip must have been spontaneous, that's why his clock is one minute behind mine and skipped over that minute in time and came right back here and come on soarin let me show you how it works".

Once discord had finally explained his experiment he did with spike and the time traveling DeLorean he started to explain how the time traveling DeLorean worked. As discord and soarin walked over to the DeLorean soarin was taping the hole thing once discord sat in the driver's seat of the DeLorean he started to explain step by step,"Now first you turn the time surcits on", and once he did that lights and three numbers that stated month,day,year,hour,and minute came up in the middle of the car where the radio used to be and started to explain what they mean,"like the first one means it tells you where your going, the second tells you where you are, and the third tells you where you were", he said as he looked back at soarin.

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