Chapter 28

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Wow, chapter Can't even believe how much time has passed. Cheers!

I waited for what seemed like hours. I could feel the adrenaline and stress pumping in Loki’s veins while he fought. The problem was that I couldn’t see what was happening. I didn’t want to bug him for details, because I didn’t want to distract him.

So I sat on the steps, my anger simmering. People steered clear of me, and when asked where Loki was I made up a lie. Each time I did, I got more pissed off at Loki, since I was actually doing what he told me to do.

He was really going to get it when he got home.


Loki’s P.O.V

“Damn.” The words escaped my mouth as the Frost Giant mocked Thor loud enough for us to hear. I closed my eyes, cursing the wretched creature; Thor had an ego and would not let that comment slide. Just as I thought we were going home. I had been hoping Thor could keep it together, or the guard would have stopped us.

And Noelle will have known a fight happened, whether we come home unscathed or not. She will not be happy with me when I get back. I had told her it was simply to find answers for the Frost Giants slipping through.

But you already know who did that. The raspy voice spoke to me. It had been doing so more often, but I didn’t fear it as I did before. Strange. I felt guilt bubble in me, for ruining Thor’s day. It was quickly squashed down, with a feeling of reassurance. You did what needed to be done. The kingdom would have thanked you. The voice assured me.

I watched as Thor took down the first Frost Giant in his path. “Next?” He challenged. They charged us at once, and I pulled the throwing knife from my belt, taking aim and hitting a running enemy. The battle raged on after that, Giant after Giant coming relentlessly towards us. I used magic to trick most, but surprisingly not all of them were entirely gullible.

I saw one speeding towards me, too fast for me to conjure an illusion, and not far enough to be worth throwing a knife. I pulled my dagger from its sheath, and aimed it at the Giant’s chest. He caught my arm as I thrust the dagger forward, breaking through the chainmail I wore, exposing my flesh to the cold. I waited for a burning sensation, to have my skin blackened like Volstag’s. But it never came. I looked down to see my flesh turning blue. Like the Giant’s hand holding me.

What? What is happening to me? I watched as the color creeped up my arm. He looked at me, the same confusion I felt. I took the chance, stabbing him. As his hand let go I examined my arm. It went back to its normal pale color.

What in the nine realms is happening to me?


Noelle’s P.O.V (Later)

As soon as I saw horses galloping to the palace, I stood up, waiting to greet my friends. They were riding fast, and came skidding to a halt close by. They were carrying something.

“Fandral!” Volstag and Hogun carried him as he winced and growled in pain, hurrying along. I followed after them and Sif at their brisk pace. “What happened to him? Where are Thor and Loki?”

“The Allfather is lecturing them at the Bifrost site.” She said as we entered the healing room. The healers immediately began tending to Fandral, clearing off surfaces. As they removed his armor and shirt, I could see the deep wound in his right shoulder and under his left collarbone. “The wound goes clean through his shoulder.” Sif said absentmindedly.

As one. Always. (A Loki fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now