third day

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Jack's POV
Y/N and I were eating breakfast when suddenly one thought hit my mind.
"I wonder where are Anti and Y/A/E/N.
"You're right. We haven't talked to them since we left that hell."
"Is something wrong?"
"Remember how I was screaming yesterday?"
"Well we were arguing in my dream and you said you would rather die in that asylum than be free"
"First,I have waited to be free for so long,second,you're first person who actually understands me. Others tried but failed."
"The thing is...I don't really have anyone but you Y/N...I did had Felix bu-"
"Hold your thought,you still have Felix and Mark. I'm sure they miss us. I would love to meet with them again outside that prison."
"I guess you're,do you have anyone outside the asylum?"
"Aah...not my family,I'm shame for them...maybe some of old friends... when I was leaving all of them were there and some of them were promising to visit,but people in hospital thought their are bad influence on me and that only family can visit."
"I didn't know you had so good friends."
"Well I had this two guys who were my friends since I was baby...than twins,brother and sister,that don't look a like at all...we all were hanging out and were really close. We were kinda like a squad."
"I'm sure you were squad goals."
"Of course."
time skip
We were watching something on TV when Y/N spoke.
"I wanna go for a walk."
"Why? It's perfect here."
"You know what? I'm going to buy a play station!"
"No you're not! We are gonna do it together."
"Than join me!"
"But I'm too lazy..."
"Fine,I'll just go to the park."
"Ok... love you"
"I love myself too."
With that she leaves. Some time after a familiar black cloud appear.
"Hi Jack,haven't seen you in a long time my friend."
"Yeah,after we left you two haven't talked to us."
"Well I'm here to warn you. That dream you had...might become true."
"Y/N gives up and go to asylum?"
"No dip shit! Y/N leaving you!"
"What the fuck are you on about? Why would she leave me?"
"Another guy perhaps?"
"She's not a bitch! She's not that kinda of a girl that falls in love easy!"
"She fell in love with you in less then a day..."
"Well...I don't fell in love so fast but yet I had same feelings for her!"
"I'm just warning you. I'm now your friend. Remember?"
"Do you and Y/A/E/N know something we don't?"
"No,but we feel something would happen. And we're 60% sure it has to be with you two breaking up."
"And other 40%?"
"You'll find out..."
Yelling was pointless. He was gone.
Your POV
I walked to abandon side of a park that I discovered today. I climbed on a tree and looked at the woods in the distance. I wanna go there once. Suddenly I was greeted with my god ol' pal.
"Hi Y/E/A/N."
" you love birds doing?"
"Fine. We got jobs. We're starting in two days..."
"That's great and all do love him?"
"What kind of a question is that? Of course. More than I loved anyone ever."
"Just be careful."
"Because you leave people. Like you left (names of some friends)."
"I didn't choose to leave and you know it."
"Well now that you can choose,do it carefully."
"What the fuck does that suppose to mean?"
But she left. I ran home to find Jack looking confused.
"What happened to you?"
"Anti said some weird ass shit."
"And so did Y/E/A/N"
"About us braking up."
"Yea. There just eating shit...right?"

Eh...hi...I fell like this story needs a lemon chapter...Yea...I'm probably gonna make one. Give me your opinion I guess.

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