fourteenth day

227 8 11

Jacks POV
We stayed up all night talking cuddling and stuff. In the morning she ran out so no-one will notice she slept in my room. Thankfully,it was fine. I'm getting really tired of this place and I hope we'll leave soon. I'm still kinda scared of what will happen next to us. With all these things happening and Anti and Y/A/E/N warning us about something,I don't feel good with all that. If we only were normal. Then we wouldn't have any trouble.

Normal people do have problems too. They just don't get any warnings. But here you are,we gave you so many clues,but neither of you can figure out what it is.

I heard Anti in my head. Why don't you just fucking tell us? Is it so hard for our life to be perfect? Guess so.

Time skip till lunch

"So...what now? We need plan for escape." Y/N said. Right now,we're having lunch,and Cry,Y/N and me are planning on how to escape.
"Ok,how about...we start a fire and than while everyone is panicking we can escape." Cry suggested fairly good idea.
"How can we start a fire?" I asked
"Um...Anti and Y/A/E/N?" Y/N answered little more like a question.
"Yes! So we have the base of a plan now just to figure time,place,people we're going to tell..." Cry said.
" about one of us asks nurse to call Mark or Felix and than we tell them about the escape and we ask them when are they free,so one night,while everyone is sleeping,Anti or Y/A/E/N starts fire somewhere in the asylum. Mark and Felix will wait for us at the back of the building and when everyone evacuates we will run there and go with them somewhere."
Y/N imagined and explained the entire situation like it was nothing. It honestly shocked both of us but of course we agreed.

Another time skip till evening

We did call Mark and Fe and told them about the plan right after lunch. We decided it will be tomorrow night. So this is hopefully last night in this hell hole. When Anti came I told him about everything and he agreed to it. Right now everything looks perfect. We're all leaving tomorrow,life's good. But there's still that thing with the dreams. Dreams will probably come back as soon as we leave and start sleeping normally again. That's the only thing that isn't perfect,but I won't let it bother me too much,because I'm going to be free tomorrow night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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